Forget my love life!

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Jacob's pov.

JACOBJACOBJACOBJACOB!," my sister screamed. "WHAT?!"

There's never any peace in this house.

"You will never believe!," she panted as she ran into my room. She held up her finger telling me to give her a second. She stood up and began. "Ok so I was at Leo's house and you know Jackie is his older sister and Aiden's girlfriend right? " I nodded I agreement.

"I was there and we were eavesdropping into Jackie's conversation with Ava. Ok here comes the shocker....CONNOR AND AVA ARE TOGETHER!!! THEY MADE UP AND EVERYTHING ON WEDNESDAY!" My jaw fell open as my sister told me the news.

Connor and Ava?

"How did you even know about Ava being mad?"

"I have my ways Jacob. Anyways I'm sorry. I know you really liked her...," she stepped over to me and gave me hug before walking out to give me some space.

Friday afternoon and I'm already feeling horrible. Oh gosh I hope I don't see them at the beach.

I pulled out my phone to call Aiden. "Hi Aiden did you hear the news?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry man. I know how much you liked her."

"Yup.," I popped the p.

"How about we go do something to get your mind off her."

"Fine meet me at my house in 10." I hung up before he could answer and pulled on some sneakers.

I shouldn't let her rule my mind...


"Aiden this is you idea of getting my mind off things!"

We were both standing on top of cliff getting ready to bungee jump down. "Hell yeah!," he replied.

"I'm not doing this," I complained.

"Oh yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

He pushed my forward sending my off the cliff.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," I screamed. I looked down to see the ocean water below me. "I HATE YOU AIDEEEEENNNNN!!!," I yelled as I can back up at like 50mph.

I was unbuckled and asked how I liked it but I couldn't answer cuz I was too busy throwing up in the corner.

That was the worst thing I've ever done.

After a few minutes of throwing up and cussing out the bungee people Aiden came back up laughing at me. This had taken my mind off things though. "Come on grumpy lets get to work."


"Excuse me sir. My friend over there needs some help her sun tan lotion."

I nodded weakly and walked over to the girl and applied the sun tan lotion to her. She was hot as hell but I wasn't feeling too good to tell her that. "Thank you so much," she said turning around to face me. She had wavy jet black hair with green eyes and red lips. "What's your name cutie?," I asked giving her a wink. "Jennifer. Yours?", she asked blushing. "Jacob." "That's a sexy name," she said in a seductive tone. "Thank you but I beg to differ with that name of yours," I replied biting my lip and looking into her eyes. She giggled and smiled.

What is this?

I felt something weird tasting in my mouth and realized I was about to throw up. I had nowhere to go. Jennifer gave a weird look before figuring out what I was about to do. She screeched in disgust as I emptied my stomach ingredients all over her bikini. "That is disgusting!!!!!" Levi ran up next to me saying to go to the office and he would take care of her.

I walked into the office to be grab some baking soda to put in my water to calm my stomach. "Hey jake my boy! You don't look too good," Chase said patting my back lightly. "I'm not," I muttered as I took another swig of water with baking soda.

This tastes horrible.

"You know what you need to do? Take the rest of the day off. We can manage around here," he said. "Really?," I asked weakly. He nodded and let me out. I walked along the beach towards the parking lot were the car when I spotted none other than Ava and Connor. They were laughing about something on Ava's computer. I walked past them trying to kick up some sand. I know that sounds like me being a jerk but I'm mad so I don't give a damn.

I got home and flopped down on the couch with some chips and popcorn to watch a movie when my lil sister walked in. "Chase called from the office saying you had a throwing up incident," she said trying not to laugh. "What happened?"

"I went bungee jumping with Aiden to get my mind off things and threw up after. I had work so I had to go there and when I was flirting with a hot girl. We were hitting it off until my stomach backfired on me." Caitlyn burst out laughing. "You threw up on a girl you were flirting with! That's amazing!," she wheezed. "Looks like you love life isn't going so well," she mused as she looked at what I was watching on TV.

"Screw my love life," I muttered.

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