Calls from home

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I made my way through the slew of students as they made their way to lunch. I wasn't headed to the lunch room though. I was headed to my math teachers room for a talk. I had sort of gotten in trouble last class and was told to come back when lunch came around.

"Where are you going?," Adam asked falling in step with me. "Math classroom. Mrs. Stevens has to talk to me." "What did you do?" "Come to the classroom with me and you'll see." He raised an eyebrow but followed me down winding halls of the big school to Mrs. Stevens classroom.

I walked in like I owned the place. That's how you gotta do it this school. You have to be confident and look like you belong or everyone will just walk over you.

"Ms. Campbell. How nice to see you. Please have a seat," she said with her thick accent. Adam and I sat down in two of the desks facing hers. "And why have you brought Mr. Dawson with you," she scowled at me. "He wants to know what I did that somehow caught your attention and me have to sit here and talk with you when I could be eating my lunch instead." Adam nodded in agreement.

"Well Mr. Dawson your friend was called here because she decided she wanted to take my car apart with a few other members of the class since it's the last quarter or school and they wanted to 'live it up'. They have already recieved their punishment though," she gestured outside the window. I burst into a fit of laughter as I remeber going out at 12 a.m. to take apart the car with Alice, Parker, Lucille, George, and Chris.

Adam got up to look out the window. His face turned red as he tried not to laugh out loud. "That's hil-" He stopped because Mrs. Stevens gave him her famous death glare. She turned back to me and saud, "So what will it be Ms. Campbell? Suspension or communtiy service?"

"We already have to do communtiy service hours so I'll take the suspension. That's all you could think of?" She ignored my last comment as she wrote up a suspension letter to give to my parents. "Here you go. Suspended for 3 days. I'll see you next Monday," she handed over the slip and I got up with Adam and we made our way to the lunchroom before the next bell rang.


"You went with the suspension?!," Lucille asked me after school.

We were both at the local cafe close to my house. I sipped my frapuccino casually and nodded. "You went with the service hours? Comen on Lucille! I thought we both agreed we'd do the suspension." "Sorry. I don't want my parents to flip," she shrugged. I realized this was a boring subject so I switched to something different."So how are things with you and Parker?"

Parker and Lucille have been in a flirting type of relationship so I'm wondering if he mad a bigger move or something. "Ugh really? He's a jerk. Ya he's beyond hot but not a good partner at all," she rolled her eyes. "Speak of the devil. Look who's ordering." I swiftly moved my eyes to the side trying to tell her he was over by the cashier. "Shite," she muttered to herself as he bagan walking over to us.

"Hello love," he said to Lucille pulling up a seat next to him. "Go away you knobhead," she pushed his arm whihc didn't do much cuz he's like a giant. "Well that's not very nice," he frowned. "No it's not. That's why I said it Parker," she sneered. "Awww you love me," he pinched her cheek and batted him away with her hand.

"So what did you get for punishment?," I asked him.

"Suspension. You?"


"How about you Lucille?," Parker asked.

"Service hours," she grumbled.

"Can you change it?"


"Crap" I muttered. Now I would be suspended for three days with no one to talk. I guess there's Parker but we weren't exactly best buds.

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