I'm so smooth (sarcasm by the way)

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I swung open the front door yelling up the stairs. "Caitlyn come on! Your gonna make me late!" "Give me a second!," she yelled back. "No Caitlyn! You do this to me all the time! It's my first day come on!!!!."

No response.

"Ok I'm coming up there!" I jogged up the stairs into her room. She was laying on her bed texting. Are you kidding me?

"Dammit Caitlyn! I thought you would be up here getting your stuff together and turns out your texting?!," I yelled furiously. Her head snapped up from the screen to me. "I was making sure Sammy and Leo were ready," she said plainly. Sammy and Leo are Caitlyn's best friends. Their like the three musketeers. Their pretty much inseparable.

"Caitlyn get your bag now and come or else I'll carry you downstairs." She frowned and hopped off her bed grabbing her beach bag and walking out her room casually.

On the way down to the beach we picked up Sammy and Leo. Those two devils almost made me late because Leo spilled his smoothie all over Caitlyn's shirt and made a whole scene out of it and we had to stop. Luckily Caitlyn brought on extra shirt and slipped it quickly over her swimsuit.


"Sorry Chase. Am I late? Oh dear God I hope not!," I babbled as I walked into the office.

"No worries Jake. Your right on time. It's exactly 1:30. Good job," he said slapping me on the back. I sighed feeling relieved and slipped my lifeguard t-shirt that showed off my abs. I walked over to my little station to see Levi there talking to some girl. "Hey dude! This is Evelyn. My girlfriend," he said smiling but a warning look in his eyes. Probably because she's pretty hot if ya ask me. I nodded and shook her hand smiling genuinely at her.

I climbed up to sit on my lifeguard chair pulling out a water bottle from the mini fridge.


A couple hours of saving lives and giving directions Aiden came over to see how I was doing. "So...are you having fun?" "Yea it's awesome! At least 30 chicks have come over here asking for my number or to help them apply sun tan lotion," I said with excitement. He chuckled and said,"Well you don't have to stay up here forever. I can fill in for you if you want. So you can take a break and whatever." "Thanks man. I'm actually starving. All I've had are a couple poptarts and some water." I hopped off the seat and went for a stroll down the beach towards the main office.


Ava's pov.

"What should we watch next?"

"Scandal duh?!"

"Your such a fangirl," I laughed scooting up next to Jp. He laughed and nodded. "But I'm not gay so don't even start." I chuckled and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, I know."

I was currently laying on the sand at the beach watching Netflix with my bestie Jp while Connor was throwing around a football just feet away from me.

I don't really like going in the water. Or going to the beach in general but Jp basically dragged me here this morning so here I am! I'm not very outgoing if you haven't noticed.

"So this student of yours....," Jp said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes. He's been badgering me about my new student that I tutor. I think his name is Jacob? Yea well Jp thinks I like him (he usually assumes I like the person if I'm ever talk about a guy).

"Yes....I think his name is Jacob. Can you stop talking about him though? It's annoying."

"You totally like him though!," he said looking back at the computer screen.

"You know I don't Jp."

"Yea yea. You like Connor right?" I slapped my hand over his mouth as he said the name.

"Maybe yes. Maybe no. Let's not talk about boys right now. I want to watch Scandal," I said in an exasperated tone. I glared at Jp gesturing over to Connor who could've just heard what he just said.

About ten minutes in I felt something falling over me. I think I was falling to. At least I wasn't too far from the ground though. I got up on my feet rubbing my head. What the heck? I looked up to see a boy about my age brushing sand off his shirt that read "lifeguard". "Dude? Watch where your going. You just tripped over my best friend," Jp growled looking at the guy.

He looked strangely familiar.

The boy lifted his sun glasses meeting my eyes. They widened slightly as he saw me. "I'm so so sorry!," he said face palming himself. "Are you ok? I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm sorry." I nodded slightly bending down to brush sand off my bikini.

"Hi Jacob," I said shyly as I stood back up. "Is this the guy you tutor? You should keep this one ," Jp laughed looking at him. I send him a glare which shut him up and looked back to Jacob who was slightly blushing. "Excuse him. He doesn't have that filter I his head that tells him right from wrong," I said shooing Jp away from me. He chuckled and smiled at me about to say something when Connor walked over.

Jacob's pov.

I was about to say something to Ava when Connor ran over. "Are you ok Ava?" "Yea I'm fine," she replied shifting closer to him. He wrapped an arm loosely around her shoulder. "Oh hey Jacob! Did you trip over her?," he asked sending me a slight glare.

I looked at both of them wide eyed not sure what to say.

Dang he's tall! And Ava's so small. He towers over her like a skyscraper.

"Uh yea. I'm so sorry," I said for probably the millionth time. "It's ok. I'm not dying," Ava sending me smile that made butterflies erupt inside my gut.

She is just too cute.

"Uh-well-I-uh..., better get going. I'm sort of a lifeguard," I said taking a step back. "Cool...," Ava breathed almost in a whisper. Connor nodded and I spun on my heel quickly walking away only to be stopped by another human being.

I ran smack dab into Jackie. "Watch it there jakey; you almost made me fall over." She looked up at me flashing her signature smile.

"Oh sorry Jackie. Your the second person I've run into today," I chuckled steeping out of her way.

"Well damn! Who else did ya run into?"

"Your best friend Ava," I said pointing over to Ava who was sitting and chatting with Connor and her friend.

"Well I was just about to go over there and meet her. I'm forcing her to come with me to my friends part tonight. Are you coming?" I thought it over trying to remember who's party was tonight. "Yeah I'm coming," I replied.

She nodded yelling over to Ava,"AVA DEAR!!! YOOOHOOO!" Ava's head snapped up a smile spreading across her face. She stood up and jogged over to us. "Hey Jackie."

"Come on! We gotta go get ready for the PARTAYYY!," she squealed tugging on her arm. "Uh no thanks," Ava said ripping her arm out of Jackie's iron grip.

I decided to pipe in. "Ya you should come Ava. It'll be fun." "Exactly! Jacobs right! It will be fun. You may be able to catch yourself a man too," Jackie said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Are you high or something?", Ava asked Jackie. "I'm always a little high Ava dear," she replied. I chuckled and said,"You should really come though." She smiled and looked up as if thinking it over. "Fine," she answered.

"Wait a minute? How do you two know each other?," Jackie asked putting her hands on her hips. "She my summer school math tutor," I said rubbing the back of my neck.

This was getting awkward....

"Oh I see.... ANYWAYS! Let's get going Ava," she said dragging Ava to grab her stuff and go. "See ya later!," I yelled but I know she couldn't hear me.

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