chapter 13

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Hoseok finally knew what he had to do.......

So with a little bit of hesitation he raised his knee slightly and aimed right for taehyungs balls......

Taehyung sunk to the floor....a look of pain had come across his face and his mouth was wide open like a gaping fish

Hoseok saw that now was a great and ample time to make a run for it........

Hoseok run through the cleared hallway racing into the nearest room before slamming the door tightly and locking the door.

Taehyung let him go.......he could have grabbed the older by his ankle and yanked him down......Lord knows he had the opportunity but for some reason his heart ached at the thought of touching Hoseok in any way that could harm him....he couldn't do it....not anymore....the first few times were too many....3 too many to be exact

Taehyung didn't care if anyone and everyone in this world were against Hoseok and his relationships.....all he needed was Hoseok's consent and that was enough for him

But it wasn't enough for everybody..... nope some people just didn't know how to keep there hands off things that just plainly were not theirs...

Taehyung wasn't saying that he owed Hoseok in any way shape or form.....he was just saying that Hoseok is his boyfreind and he was Hoseok's too

The front door suddenly opened and shut again.... revealing jimin with many bags in his hands and a sour expression in his face

Jimin looked Taehyung up and down....and Taehyung did the same to Jimin....they we're sizing each other up..... definitely not checking each other out.....because sadly both if them wanted Hobi and this was going to become a huge conflict later.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked placing the bags on the counter and glaring at Taehyung

"I live here." Taehyung resorted plainly standing up making his way to his room

"Where is he??" Jimin asked stepping forward.....his child like features diminishing rapidly

Taehyung didn't want to seem rude but if jimin didn't get out of his personal space in a few seconds someone was going to get hurt and it would not be Taehyung.

So to avoid conflict Taehyung just shoved jimin out if the way just as the other members cane into the flat.

Taehyung opened the door to his room witch was the first room in the hallway and stripped immediately....plugging in his water proof earphones in and stripping down to nothing.

Taehyung almost tripped on a pair if clothes and boxers on the floor....did he leave those There?.....maybe he did and forgot about was awfully possible after all he there had been alone of stuff on his mind lately

His bathroom was awful hot..... Maybe one of the boys had turned the temperature up before they left

Taehyung turned the water nozzle which seemed slightly turn but Taehyung assumed that he was just seeing things so he put it on hot..full blast

Taehyung sighed as the hot water hit his sweaty body......being in such close proximity to Hoseok brought back some old memories......he was sweating profusely

This was a really big shower.... So why did Taehyung feel confined

Taehyung  shrugged it off and reached for the shampoo....but not before running into something

Hoseok screeched as he fell on top of Taehyung making Taehyung fall backwards into the shower with Hoseok gripped tightly in his hands

Taehyung had just now realized.....Hoseok was naked.....

Taehyung looked down and took a huge gulp and kissed his lips which made the older blush

Taehyungs eyes were now focused on the top of Hoseok's body as he scanned his beautiful face for any trace of his old hobi

Hoseoks Cupid bow lips and almond shaped eyes were focused on him and clouded with lust as they stared at each other deeply....

Taehyung didn't want to make his Hyung uncomfortable....infact that was the last thing he wanted to do......

Taehyung was tired of waiting....he was tired of resisting so without further hesitation he connected their lips driving a moan from Hoseok as he gripped his hips hard

Hoseok was busy himself with grabbing taehyungs brown hair and bringing his face closer and making the kiss more intimate..... Taehyungs eyes were closed shut tightly

The kiss was rough....needy....desperate even...Taehyung didn't want it this way.....he wanted the romance that was always in him and Hoseok's kisses

And suddenly he was granted the gentleness he was wishing for.... Hoseoks hands were takes from his hair and wrapped around his neck instead

Taehyung pulled back from the kiss to look at his boyfreind

Hoseok looked happy blissful....but soon that expression was taken from his face and replaced with a frown as something flashed in his eyes.....

Hoseok retracted his hands from taehyungs neck and scrambled out of the tub into Taehyung and Jimin's room and through the hallway naked and ran to his room and locked the door

That last part of the kiss was exactly what Taehyung had been hoping and wishing for..... Things might get better from here...immencly better

But Taehyung didn't know exactly how wrong he was.....from here things would only get worse.

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