chapter 15

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Social media and the news were going crazy.... absolutely crazy

The news was turned on full volume but nobody minded cause they were watching the TV with full attention

" Worldwide kpop sensation Jung Hoseok has supposedly left from the boy group named BTS for good" the news anouncer said

The world was in uproar.....Hoseok didn't think that him leaving BTS would be such a big deal....its not like he was appreciated anyway.....

Even if he was everyone's special sunshine that brightened people's lives....they still had jimin......right???

Hoseok was now back home in Gwangju sitting in quiet solitude in his parents spacious house......Hoseok had failed to inform his parents of his forthcoming......

But Hoseok assumed that they were out doing errands and his sister was off shopping or visiting different tea shops

Hoseok knew that when his parents did come home however.....that he was going to have to do some major explaining

Sadly Hoseok had also failed to inform him of him and taehyungs realtionship issues

Last time Hoseok's parents had checked him and Taehyung were doing just fine.....

Oh.....Hoseok had forgotten to mention.....Hoseok's parents absolutely love Taehyung.....if they could have him as their son instead of Hoseok they probably would.....but Hoseok wasn't bothered by it he would rather they love his boyfreind then to hate him.

Hoseoks mother would take Taehyung to the store with her and call him her son.....and his father would ask where his son was......and Hoseok would always say "I'm right here appa" and he would respond with a "I meant the other one."

And his sister....oh how he loved his sister.....but she also meddled in his love life.....telling lies about how him and Taehyung are soulmates that will soon get married that Hoseok thinks of it his parents and sister might have loved Taehyung more that he did......nahhhhh there's no possible way.

Hoseok heard the front door open and a loud gasp....Hoseok turned around on the comfortable couch and looked at his surprised parents and his suddenly emotional mother

"그것에 대해 얘기하고 싶니?"(Do you want to talk about it?) His mother asked as his parents walked over to the couch to sit down

"아니." (No) Hoseok responded really not wanting to talk about his emotional and physical heartbreak

So they just sat on the couch in silence..... patiently waiting on Hoseok to be ready to open up.

______back at the boys apartment_____

"This is all your fault!!!!"jimin shouted

"My fault??? my fault???" How was I supposed to know that Hoseok was gonna leave??" Taehyung exclaimed his face turning extremely red

" You had one job!!!!!! All you had to do was to watch him after we left!!!! Nobody told you to put the moves on him and hop into the shower with him"

" How was he supposed to know??" Jungkook defended

" Well in most sane people's brains when they walk in the bathroom and there are clothes on the floor that aren't there's and that they don't remember putting there that's a big hint......and if that hint wasn't enough he kept going and thought well the shower is already on maybe someone turned it on for me..........that's a real smart one you got there" jimin screamed back

"Well........well yeah I've got nothing to defend you with." Jungkook said giving up on being V's lawyer

"You shouldn't defend him he made Hobi leave us.....the fu-"

"Watch your language Yoongi before I watch it for you." Jin threatened gripping the youngers hips making Yoongi blush and push him off

As they were arguing Taehyung slipped in Hoseok's room and shut the door right....Taehyung just wished that no one would come in since he couldn't lock the door thanks to Namjoon

Where is it where is it???? Taehyung asked himself as he looked around the room for the shoe box that Hoseok loved so much

If you were wondering how Taehyung knew Hoseok kept a secret box it was that Taehyung always walked in on Hoseok scrambling to hide something from him......he never minded of course he just took note to check it out later.....but he had never quite had the time to look until now

Taehyung  began to look under the bed.....found it

Taehyung opened the wide shoe box and was bumbarded with 3 thick journals......he is gonna have to do a whole lot of reading......he better get started.

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