TEN YEAR - Chapter 4: Hopeless and addicted. Maybe.

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-Hyung.. it's nothing. we just drank and..... I sleep over at his parents' house as always...

-How long did I know you?

-More than ten years hyung.

-And I knew Eunhyuk almost do not drink, now does he? And you did drank too much that your eyes are pretty swollen and red now. And his too. I saw some bruises on his neck.

Donghae was startled.

-Hyung... I'll tell you the truth..... we had..... a fight...... I was emotional....it was my fault... and actually we've drunk together sometimes too.... You might not know but.... we actually did... I apologize.

Donghae muttered.

-I thought you gave up on him...
Leeteuk coldly said.

He was about to tell Leeteuk everything but his hyung saw Kangin was coming and quickly told Donghae to stop, he stepped ahead, facing Kangin.

-Teukie..hyung... Here's your milk and ... hey, what's with that two? Dont scold them too harsh.

Eunhyuk also came along, put his hand on Donghae's shoulder, comforted him when Kangin handed Leeteuk some crackers and chocolate then walked away.

-Thank you Kangin.. And I won't scold them.
He smiled sweetly with Kangin's sparkling eyes.

Donghae silently looked at Eunhyuk, they both afraid, but Eunhyuk seemed very confident. Donghae suddenly felt guilty and started to cry.

-I told him... Hyukie.. I told him...

-Huh.. what, Hae.....
He muttered.

But as soon as Kangin left, he didn't let Leeteuk begin and started to talk.

-Teukiehyung, I have to tell you this, even thought it may affect our brothership, but I am in love with Donghae now, and I don't have any intention to give up. Donghae is not those girls. He worths better, I love him, I really do. Please, I will do my best in everything, I'm loyal and work hard.... We won't disappoint you.

Leeteuk didn't expect those words from Eunhyuk. He was pretty surprised and almost dropped his crackers. Donghae came closer to Eunhyuk, tried to say something but he couldn't.

-I'm sorry, I think I may disappoint you but... I can't help myself... this is too much. But I promise, I won't make any trouble for us. I will try my best in everything.

Eunhyuk continued.

-And about Kangin-hyung... I know about you two. So please... Hyung... forgive me...

Leeteuk was sober.

He couldn't believe his ears, these boys are so brave and reckless, he thinks to himself but couldn't really say anything.

-Aish.. I know it would happen... my fault....

He grabbed Eunhyuk's shoulder, tighten his grip as much as possible, then walked away.

-Eunhyuk ah... That's not what I told him... but.... it's not bad that you told him so...

-What? Wait.... You told him what?

-I just told him we drank together and you actually drank a lot.... he thought you do not drink liquors, right?

-Oh my....god....


Eunhyuk's POV.

Hours later, when we were filming, he didn't say anything to me, as I did everything perfectly and Donghae still kept looking for me in every move.

End of day, on the way home, he just spoke to me once.

-It's not easy Eunhyuk ah. Please dont be selfish and let it ruin both of you. This kind of love, there's no turning back. it's now or never. it's a black hole. it drains your soul. I think you should talk to him soon. You two must reconsider about this, I'll help you.

I had nothing to say. I was shivered. I suddenly felt cold and it's like a growing pain in my stomach.

Maybe we did wrong. I thought I need to talk to Donghae that night and went downstairs to his room.

Kangin was talking with Sungmin about some magic tricks, and Heechul was watching a movie.

-Donghae!!! Where are you?

- Over here, in Leeteuk hyung's room. Come!

He waved his hand from inside, I walked over and realized he was singing a song to Leeteuk with a guitar.

I unintentionally smiled. Seeing him like that made my heart flutter.

-Oh, you two, preparing for our new album already?

-Haha, we just practicing, come sit here. Listen.

I saw Teukiehyung smiled so softly. I thought he might got angry but he didn't. Maybe because I told him I know about his secret relationship. I assured myself and went sit beside Donghae.

He shyly smiled at me and got wrong in chords. He put the guitar aside and moved ahead to hug me.

-That was the song about my first love. But I wanna sing it for you.
He muttered.

I asked him to sing the whole songs he just sang it several times and avoided to complete.

-Eunhyuk, let's put it in our first single.

-Okay. I like it, it suits your voice pretty good..... Donghae ah...
I was a bit worried about you but it seems you're fine. It's quite late now, Hae, I have to go upstairs.... do you want some strawberries, Teukiehyung?

-Donghae, go get me some. Don't be there so long.

Teukiehyung enthusiastically answered.

I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, Donghae was embarrassing and pushed me away but when he looked at Teukiehyung and realized he seemed doesn't care at all, he went after me and hugged me while we're walking upstairs.


-Donghae ah....

I asked while he was wrapping his arms around my neck and stroked my cheek with his nose.

-We need to talk...

-About what?


-Uhm. huh.. What to talk about?

-I'm serious Donghae ah...... do you want to have a really.. long term... relationship like this? I mean, you wasn't interested in men at first. And me too. What if this's just a hideaway, we're just looking for something else....

-What do you mean by that?

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