P.O.V Niall
The minute i see Harry kiss Cam I get really jelous cause i see her start to blush. I see Harry look at me and the smile on his face vanishes and he knows that i've seen and starts to walk over to me.
"Niall i'm sorry man i can't help it i like her too" Harry say's
"Its fine Harry Just not in front of me" I say with jelousy in my eyes.
"What's up?" Cam asks with worried look on her face.
"Nothing Babe" I say to her with the best smile i can force.
"Harry?" she asks.
"Everythings fine" He says. "I was asking Niall to go and find out what that girls name is."
P.O.V Cameron
"Everythings fine" harry says" I was just asking Niall to go find ouy what that girls name is " he say s pointing at mad's.
"Her name's Maddie she's a HUGE One Direction fan" I say laughing Cause when i say her name she finally notices that i'm talking to One Direction" Harry Her ultimate Crush.
"Maddie come here" i say grabbing her by the arm.
"Harry, Maddie Maddie, Harry" i say as i introduce them to eachother
"Hi" Maddie say blushing like crazy as she shakes Harry's hand.
"Hey" Harry says smililng. They are goung to be a really cute couple i think to myself.
P.O.V Harry
Ok bye bye Cameron hello Maddie. Maddie is sooo HOT her short curly blonde hair and her auqua dress makes her deep blue eyes pop.
"Hi" She says blushing. I'm making her blush this so awesome.
"Hey" i say smiling trying to make her smile.
She starts to giggle its soo cute. And here smile is more perfect then perfect it's self.
P.O.V Niall
Harry is so over Cameron now I think to myself smiling wow that boy moves on fast.
Cameron most be really enjoying herself now since she's now laughing her head off.
"Did i mention you look beutifull today" boy says to her. I'm about to punch this guy in the face.
"thanks" she says blushing like mad.
"Oh Wyatt you need to meet my friend" She says taking his hand and walking him over to me.
"Niall this is Wyatt and Wyatt this is Niall you probally know him from all the songs i listen to he's 1/5 of One Direction" She says looking very proud of me. Now im happy that she's proud of me.
"Hi niall it's nice to meet you" This Wyatt character says to me.
"Hey" i say back stiffly.
"I've got to go Jessy is probally wondering where i am i'll tell her you say hi" He quikly kisses her on the cheek.
"Nice meeting you Niall, see you around Cameron" He says running up to this tall blonde girl and then i realise thats his girlfriend.
P.O.V. Cameron
Niall looks really cute right now I think to myself.
"He wasnt joking you look all grown up right now" Niall says making me blush
"Thats cause i am grown up" I say. Thats when he pulls me in and says
"You will always be little to me" i feel shivers go down my spine as we bresk away from the hug i look him in the eyes and he leans in a gives me a little peck on my cheek.Thats when i realised i love Niall Horan.
Did i just kiss cameron on the cheek? I look done to see Cam blushing and with a smile on her face
"Niall--" But she's cut off when Louis comes up and starts ranting on and on about how theres no carrots.
"Louis it'll be ok" Cameron says taking him and stroking his hair. i don;t know why but i am very jelous of louis right now i wish seh was holding me and stroking my hair. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. I start laughing
"Whats so funny" Louis asks with fake irritation in his voice.
"Nothing lou" I say winking at Cam and making her blush even more.
This is going to be fun i think to myself smirking
P.O.V Cameron
Why does Niall keep on making me blush? Before i can think about it anymore I hear the announcement calling all grade twelves to the gym. I start to get really nervous now.
"GoodLuck" Niall says to me giving me a hug
"Have fun"Louis saysgiving me a quik hug and smile.
"CAMERON GUESS WHAT?!?!?!" i hear Maddie screaming with excitment at me.
"What?" i ask already knnowing the answer.
"Harry ask me Madeline Barrett on a DATE!!!" She says squelling and smiling adn blushing like mad again.
"This is awesome" i say squelling and jumping up and down with her.
"so how are things with you and Niall" she asks with a cheeky smile
" were just friends" i say a ittle disapointed
"Cameron t's so obvious you two have a thing for eachother he could'nt stop staring at you" she says
"really?" i ask hoping not to sound to desprate.
"Why don't you just ask him yourself"She says
"I will" i say. Then right after there was an annoucment saying the grade 12 were to go onto the stage.