Love's Direction (A One Direction Fan-Fic)

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Hi i'm cameron and i'm best friends with THE Niall Horan. I met Niall When i was 13 and he was 14. I was in Ireland for the first time in a long time and i went for a walk and i pumbed into this Blonde headed, blue eyed, irish boy and from then on we've been best friends even though i only see him every summer since i live in Squamish and he lives in ireland. Through out the years that i've known him i've gotten to meet 4 amazingly HOT boys from his band One Direction and i have secretly had a crush on Niall since then but i know he will never feel the same since he's niall horan and im only a plain girl who acciendently became best friends with him.

P.O.V Cameorn

"Cameron get up it's your graduation" my mother yelled from outside my door.

"shit" i thought. I proberely shuld'nt have stayed up untill 2am skyping with Niall and the Boys.

I quikly get up put on my short red dress and grab my cap and gown.

"Are you excited?" my mum asks as i grab a yogurt and coffee

"No i really don't want to graduate" i smirk as i say this with the sarcasm.

i grab my keys to the Rav4 that was once my mothers and speed to school already knowing what maddie was going to say about the amount of effert on my hair and make-up wich was none at all.

P.O.V Niall

I wake up and can't wait to see Cameron's face when she see's me at her graduation ceremoney. Then i hearthe sizziling of BACON. I quikly grab my tux and put it one and run done stairs to find Liam making some breakfast.

"Don't you look nice" i hear Louis say with a smirk. I can feel my face burning red. It apperently is very obvious that i have a crush on Cam.

"If you say one word about this to her i will make it my life job to make your life a living hell" i say to him trying to act as serious as i can.

i Niall Horan can not tell Cameron that i like her since we have been friends for so long.

P.O.V Cameron

"CAMERON LARSON WHY ARE YOU NOT WEARING ANY MAKE-UP AND WHAT HAVE YOUDONE TO YOUR HAIR" My best friend Maddie says to me as it hought she would.

"good morning to you to mad's" i laugh as she rush's over with a straitner and her make-up kit.

i start running away from her after she pulls out the very red lipstick. 

"you've done my hair and my eyes but please don't put that on my lips" i say to her

"I think it would look hot on you" A very familliar voice says. i turn around to see one of my best friends wyatt. Me and Wyatt have been best friends since we were 5 and i had a crush on him in grade 7. In grade 8 Wyatt went to a school in Vancouver for His Baseball.

"Wyatt!" i yell and run up and give him a huge hug. He hugs me back and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing here?" I ask since i thought he graduated today to.

"Well we are best friends so i wanted to see you graduate, Oh and i lied i graduate tomorow'" he says with a smirk on his face.

P.O.V Niall

I see Cameron and i was about to go and se her and then i notice she's with a boy who is holdimg her in a hug. Jelousy over takes me and i start to get really mad. The minute he lets go of her i see her face.She's got a little bit of make-up on and this hge brightly lit up smile plastered o her face as she's talking to the guy. I decoide to start walking up to her as the guy walks up to another girl and starts talking to her. As she's turned around i run up behind her and put my hands around her eye's so she can't see who i am.

"Who is that" She giggles and turns around so that my hands are now around her waist.

"Only one of your best friends" I say laughoimg at her face wich is now completly filled with surprise. Soon i start to see this huge smile grawing on her face.

"Nialler" she say and raps her arms around me and i pull her in tightly my face in her hair.

P.O.V Cameron

"Nialler" i say as i rap my arms around him. I can't belive he's here i say as he oulls me in. I start to smell his scent and i can't get anough of it he always smells of his colone and of course Nandos.

"What are you doing here?" i ask as I let him go.

"I came to see my Girl graduate of course" he say smiling. shivers and sparks go done my spine when he says my girl. I start to feel my self go pink. Why does Niall do this to me? Were friends and that's that he would never fall for a girl like me. "Wher--" but im cut off by 

"CAMMY" Louis yells and picks me up from off the ground in a huge bear hug.

"Lou" i say as he finally put me done where im catching my breath but i don't have long untill Liam and Zayn are hugging me to.

"Cam" I turn around to see Harry and i run and give him a huge hug 

"Happy graduation" he whispers into my ear. 

P.O.V Harry

I see Cam being squished by the others and i can't help but relize how beutifull she looks right now. Her golden brown hair is now almost touching her bum and her Red dress looks gorgeuos against her naturally tanned skin.

"Cam" i say as walk behind her 

When she starts to run and give me a hug i can't help but feel butterflies. But i already know that she's off limits she's Niall's girl.

"Happy graduation" i whispers into her ear as i take in the smell of her hair. It smells like it always does coconut and vanilla.

i let her go and i can't help but give her a kiss on the cheek.


Sorry if the grammer's bad it's my first Fan-Fic. 

Comment and tell me what you think 

love, Cammy Xox 

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