𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Hi my name is Dahyun," she held out her hand I stared at it. I hesitantly shook it and smiled. "I can see you're new here, you've recently been the talk of the island," I blushed at her words.

"Can I ask what your name is?"

"Oh! I'm Ji y/n nice to meet you too Dahyun,"

"So, wanna take a look around?" she offered, I was about to turn her down,honestly I never had anyone helped me before so I got used to doing everything on own but then again something made me realize. If I wanted to start a new I might as well make myself a friend.

"Sure, thanks Dahyun,"

"No pressure," I trailed behind her. She started showing me some important places like the hospital, the school (the only school in the island), the municipal hall beside build is the police station, nothing unusual really. I wave and greeted back to a resident who greeted me as we walk around.

"And here, this is like our hang out place for everyone," she pointed at the ocean.

"And here, this is like our hang out place for everyone," she pointed at the ocean

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"Wow it's amazing," I closed my eyes Inhaling the fresh scent of salty air. Feeling that slight cold breeze of air and the sound of waves that were crawling gently to the shore lingered through my ears.

Witnessing this breathtaking beautiful view just right in front of my eyes made me forget about everything, as If it were just me and the ocean.

"I know, wanna look around?" I nodded, she gestured her hands 'go on', a smile crept through my face when I felt the soft white sand beneath my feet. Not wasting anymore time I started to wander around. I saw some families with their children swimming, some having picnics, some were playing on the sand and even couples holding hands while walking at the shore.

This is definitely a place I wanna see before I spend my last breath.

"Having fun?" Dahyun spoke from behind,
"A blast!" I replied.

 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧  || park jiminWhere stories live. Discover now