𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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He was shocked.

There not too far away from him, a human. It seems like it was not moving. He slurped the last one of his meal and did nothing but to just stare, It took him a moment to realize that there is indeed a human.

A real one.

He slowly swam towards the human, circling around. Examining every part of her. His eyes lit up in fascination. He knew about them, the creatures from above. To be honest he secretly watches them from a far, curious about the way of their living. After all he had never been in contact with them, let alone he had never communicated with someone ever before.

In this world, it was just the ocean and him alone.

He tried making friends with his fellow marine creatures before but it always resulted into a heartbreaking moment. They were scared of him, because of his own kind. He was the last one of his kind, they all lived thousands and thousands of years ago. Long, long way before the creatures above existed.

For hundreds of years he wanders around the vast and lonely place of the ocean.

Curiousity is eating him up he can't resist it no more; so he slowly lifted his hand and went out to touch her face but he flinched and immediately swam away upon seeing the human moves as it makes some strange sounds.

He was terrified.

What he didn't know that it was choking, slowly dying. Soon enough the sounds slowly fades away, until it was no longer moving. He swam back, he took the courage to poke her, just as he did he immediately backs away afraid that something might happen.

But strangely nothing, there was no response.

Why isn't it moving?

He thought to himself, he once again poked the human hoping for a response but sadly nothing happened. Is it dead?

Taking the idea he gasps. The humans, he had never once saw them underwater for so long but except for this human.

For an isolated creature like him he was intelligent for his own kind, immediately learning things faster than any creature could be. This time he had taken another knowledge from this experience, he came to know that

Humans can't live underwater.

As fast as lightning he immediately grab the human and swam towards the surface, frantically looking around looking for a possible place. Even with this storm he can clearly see, in fact his eye sight are better in the darkness.

He didn't care where to go. What he just needed is a place to keep the human safe.

My eyes snapped open, gasping as I inhaled a great amount of air. Soon later I felt my throat burning, I lifted my self up and suddenly coughed, water came out of my mouth.

I coughed and coughed letting it all out.

W-what happened? W-where am I?

Panic swept over me, I swung my head from side to side and realized that I am inside a cave, the only thing that I can hear are the sounds of ocean waves.

H-how did I end up here?

I tried to recall the events happened earlier, the boat, the fishing, the storm, and my eyes immediately widened in shock. I touched myself, my face, my bare arms.

I-im alive?

"I'm alive," I breathed out, "How?" I swung my head from side to side looking for a fellow human, If im alive someone must've saved me. That was until my eyes landed on a pair of eyes peeking behind a huge rock, looking straight at me.

His eyes immediately widens in shock and  immediately hid behind the huge rock, As if a deer caught in red lights.

What is he?

I stood up and slowly walked towards him, "Hey, hey, don't be scared, I wont hurt you," just as I came closer I shrieked and lost my balance making me fall butt first on the ground.

"Ya-Yah put on some clothes!" I shouted while covering my eyes.

My dumb ass thought he was some kid but it turned out he was a full ass grown man. I didn't get a response, I slowly opened my eyes again and come greeted me, him on his all fours.

"Ya-yah! What are you doing?" I could feel myself blushing as he crept up towards me. I tore my sight away from him covering my eyes, I kept on backing away trying to distance myself away from him as much as possible, that is until my hand slipped, my back came in contact harshly on the hard cold stone floor.

I shrieked in surprise.

Damn it!

I didn't even had anytime to react when all of a sudden he is just right there on top of me. Gulping, I closed my eyes shut preparing for the worse. But strangely time have passed and yet nothing had happened. Confused, I slowly fluttered my eyes open and I am immediately greeted by a pair of eyes looking down at me.

He had trapped me down with his arms, him laying on top of me. Water dripped down from his wet hair down into my cheeks, tickling me. He looked down at me staring straight into my soul, I couldn't tore my gaze away from him.

His eyes, eyes like pearl that shines like the blue moon.

His hair, they were the darkest shade of black. It was the complete opposite of his skin. Skin's that's fair that would put any female models into shame. Every part of him; eyes,nose and lips

He is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life.


His eyes widened, in pure shock and terror.

"N-no no don't go,"

But it was too late he had already disappeared back into the deep waters of the ocean. Leaving me dripping wet and cold in this lonely cave.

After all that happened there's only one thing that shocked me the most.

H-he had scales!

 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧  || park jiminWhere stories live. Discover now