𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"I'm so sorry y/n the clinic today was full, there were some islanders who got assigned first before you, due to our limit numbers of staffs. Before we even knew it, it all been taken" Mrs.Lee the head nurse apologized. I looked down dispirited.

"Oh, is that so?" There was a moment of silence until I broke it up, "Okay, thank you Mrs. Lee, whenever you'll need my assistance I'll be happy to lend it to you anytime,"

"Thank you for understanding," we both smiled at each other and soon bid our farewells. I inhaled the air as I step foot outside the building, passing by some islanders they greeted me, respecting my presence I too greeted back.

Umm I don't really wanna go back yet and just lie and do nothing. I stopped for a brief moment, deep in thought. Thinking of a possible way to pass some time in other words to entertain myself.

Silently smiling to myself, I fast walked back to the house.


Grabbing the fishnets and some rubber fake fishes to use a bait. I put it all in a bucket and also not forgetting to grab some extra fish hooks and also nylon don't forget the nylons.

Once everything is ready I grabbed a straw hat and put it on. Slipping the fishing rod between the bucket and I took off.

With a good 15 minutes of walking I finally reached the place. I smiled in satisfaction as I felt the sun shining above the sky giving a warm feeling with a mixed of fresh salted scented air coming from the waters of the ocean.

It was the perfect weather to go fishing.

Felling the damp earth no more as my feet collided with the rough feeling of the sand,
I smiled in pleasure.

This might be the best day ever!

This is the worst day ever!

It's been hours since I've catch a fish, I sat down as I stared at my reflection on the water, I sighed. I've tried rowing to other areas but it's always the same result, no fish!

I sighed again for like a hundredth time, I pulled back the fishing rod back on the boat, deciding to call it for today.

When I started rowing back on the shore, suddenly I just, felt it. I felt something that's pulling me in somewhere, if that even makes sense.

I followed my instincts and rowed to the direction where it's been pulling me, and within just a couple of minutes I've arrived in front of ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʀᴅᴇʀ.

I wasn't mistaken that this was the same border that Dahyun showed me a month ago, but this time it looks like the gigantic rock had grown longer, just before the border were only on the sand but now, it's here

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I wasn't mistaken that this was the same border that Dahyun showed me a month ago, but this time it looks like the gigantic rock had grown longer, just before the border were only on the sand but now, it's here. On the ocean.

That's unbelievable!

I never recalled any thing that sort of looked like an entrance in the rock. Her warnings rang through my mind, but my curiosity got the best of me. And I did the most stupidest thing that I'll probably regret on later.

I entered pass the border.

 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧  || park jiminWhere stories live. Discover now