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I sat next to Soft's Bed, Watching his chest rise and fall. 'He's so fucking stupid thinking the Crews weakest member, could take on Gaira.' I thought, sighing. "So.. are you gay for Soft?" Chase said. "No. Unlike you, I'm as straight as a Straight line" Krazed stated. It was true, though at the moment there was no-one I liked. "I see.." Chase said again. "What is Gaira's goal, Krazed?" "Don't know. Honestly, One day, we are all friends, Next thing you know, Gaira hates Tiny, Goes on a rampage, Blah Blah, Blah.." 





My eyes slowly opened, but I cringed at the bright light, so I shut them again. "So.. are you gay for Soft?" If that Fox-Hybrid is in my room, I'll- I'll... "No. Unlike you, I'm as Straight as a Straight line." That's... Krazed.. Right..? "I see.." "What is Gaira's goal, Krazed?" "Don't know. Honestly, One day, we are all friends, Next thing you know, Gaira hates Tiny, Goes on a rampage, Blah Blah, Blah.." Once again, I tried to open my eyes, and succeeded. "Kr..Krazed...?" My voice sounded raspy. "Time for me to leave, Soft, try to pull of that shit again, and I will personally beat yo ass." Chase said, with his back turned to me. "Y-Yeah.." I whispered as he left my room. I sat up, I... had no shirt on?  I could see all the bandages wrapped around me. D-Did Krazed Wrap me up..? No he wouldn't do that... Was It chase? "If you try sitting up, You'll re-open you're wounds, Retard."

"Uh huh." I said, pulling the covers off me, and walked over to my closet to grab a shirt. "I'll get out." Krazed got up from the chair he was sitting in. "I need to check up on Tiny too." "Ok.." I replied, putting my favorite White shirt, with a purple bunny on. I stumbled to my door, using the wall as support. As I walked to Tiny's room, I heard Lola. "She's in a small coma, She'll be fine, but she lost a life." "How many left?" Krazed? "6" "Not good" Krazed replied. "She has 6 more Lives?!" I whispered as I peeked into the room. "Damn it. Gaira is close to finding us too." Krazed noted. "If we don't find all the relics, We will all die." No.. No No No! I run off to my room and slam the door. I hop onto my bed and lay down. I let out a sob as I place my right arm over my eyes. She's in a coma..? She has 6 lives left..? I let out some more quiet sobs and whimpers.

I decided to make contact with Iris, that was the best option, right? I close my eyes, which were still full of tears, and sent a prayer. "Goddess of Life, of all that's good, please may I speak with you..? I-Its about you're daughter..." After about 2 minutes, a portal opened up and she hopped through. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She screamed. "I DID'NT EXPECT YOU TO COME RIGHT AWAY" "I'M SORRY I HAVE NO PLANS TODAY!"


"So, God of the Moon, What must you feel the need to talk to me about..?" Iris asked me. "Please call me by my name," I said. "You're being to formal. I'm nothing special." "I see. So, Sam, what do you need?" She asked, though I flinched hearing my name. I know I know, I told her to call me by my name, but it felt weird. You see, we use 'code names' Based of our personality's. "Earlier today, Me and Tiny got attacked by Gaira. Tiny, after getting Life threating Injuries, She escaped through a portal, leaving me behind. I was forced to fight Gaira alone, because they used the civilians to separate us, by causing chaos in the village Marine." I lifted my shirt to show her the injury's. "I see.. Continue." "The others managed to find us in time. and here we are. but I found out Tiny's in a little coma, and she has 6 lives left."

As soon as I finished, she picked my up bridal style, and dashed out my room, to Tiny's. "MY DAUGHTER ME AND YOUR BOYFRIEND ARE HERE!" She yelled, only to remember that she's in a coma.

"Oh yeah.. Oops."


Words: 666

That was a big oof right?

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