Quality Time With Good ol'- oh god it's you.

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I let out a tired yawn as I tried getting out of bed. As I was waddling down the hallway, I heard a conversation that... Peeked my interest. "Soft If you don't tell her, She will never know!" I heard Slushes high pitched voice, ringing in my ears. "F-For the last time Slush, We don't have time to do stuff like that! We are hero's, we have responsibility's!" ...Huh? "Slush, Please... Just drop it... I can't tell Tiny how I feel." What? "If you don't-" "Slush! Please... Just stop... I appreciate you trying to help... but I can't..." "... I understand..." Slush said as she got up from a chair and left the room. My wings hurt and were sprained, but I used them to fly above the door frame so she wouldn't see me. What Feelings? I flew down and entered the room. "C-Chu?" I said, Pretending that I just woke up. "What's wrong?" I said, Sitting beside him, Though he didn't notice me since he was in a trace. Soft Finally noticed me and Yelped in surprise. "E-E-E-EH?!" Softs Face turned red, and tried to cover his face with his hands. "U-U-U-U-UH.. I-I am f-f-f-fine!" Soft Stuttered. Liar.


S-S-S-S-She Is so c-close to my face..! "Well, If your fine, I'll go." She said as she got up. W-Wait, don't go..! "Hey Tiny wait!" I said as I grabbed her hand. W-Wait what am I doing? "C-Can I ask you something..?" I asked. What is coming out of my mouth?? "Do you... Remember when we found you..?" Tiny flinched. "Yes." Was all she said as she got free from my grasp and ran out the room. "...H-Huh..?"

--:Flash Back time:--

Me and Leah were exploring the ruins of Doiyk, we where investigating a 'Demon attack'. You see, Doiyk is right beside the Kinji rareta Forest (Forbidden Forest), There was a rumor that two 'Special' Daughters out of a family of 6 was murdered. The Mother found out the Villagers Hired an Assassin to kill two of her children. She was angry at the Villagers actions, and revealed herself as the Goddess Iris. She summoned Demons, and they went around the Village killing every Child (For bullying and Harassing her poor children), and Every adult. After wards, She soon Vanished. We all assumed she went back to the Heavens. As we roamed the Ruins that were once called a town, I decided to check out the Forest. I told Leah I was going alone, and she said she was going to explore some more. As I entered the Burnt down forest, I noticed something out of place. A Woman, A short blond, Laying against a tree, covered in blood. I immediately I wanted to run, but a small groan escaped her mouth. 'S-She's alive??' I kneeled beside her, checking her pulse and checked to see if she was breathing. 'She is!' I picked her up and carried her Bridal Style to take her back to Leah.

"LEAH! I FOUND A SURVIVOR!" I yelled at my hot-headed friend. "Pffft. A Survivor? In a dump like this? You sure she's not Dead? I mean, she could be a traveler who was killed her-" Leah stop near the end of her sentence when she saw the girl that was unconscious in my arms. "HOLY SHIT. THATS HER! SHE'S ONE OF THE KIDS WHO DIED HERE! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUC-" Leah Panicked. The Girls eyes slowly fluttered open. I felt my face heat up as she stared at me with her Ocean blue eyes. "U-U-Uh... Erm... L-Leah she's awake." Leah stared at The Blond, terrified. "EEEEEEEEEEK!" The Girl screamed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The Girl hopped out of my arms. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! WHERE AM I-" She said but paused. "Wait..."

"What year is it?"

--:Flash Back over:--

We found out, Tiny was asleep in that Forest for 21 years. She was Reborn after dying. I sat in my Room. Did I make her upset..? I sat on my bed, questioning myself. "HAHA YOU FUCKED UP, IDIOT." I heard. "Shut up, Astrov. WAIT WHAT?!" I screamed.

"The one and only, Bitch."


Words: 678

The Next chapter, I have an important question. Its about two books, and I want to know if you would like me to make them.

Cya tomorrow! Stay Frosteh~


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