Confessions & Drinks

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This Chapter Has two sensitive and Serious topic's, Suicide and Abuse. Please, Don't Kill yourself, You are special and loved, and you should not throw away your precious Life. If you are being hit, Please, tell someone. Something Bad might happen to you if you don't tell someone. 


"S-So..." Soft said as we sat on his floor. "Wait!" I said. Soft looked at me confused. I placed a Sound Barrier around the room, so no one outside could hear us. "OK, Go." I smiled Warmly at him. "T-Three years ago, I... I was going through a lot. My little Sister was killed by my father, My Mother... Killed her self... After all that... My father used me as a... 'Punching bag'. I was so tired of living. But then I met Leah, I still Felt that way, but then, I met you. My life changed. And... I wanted t-to thank you for that." He said, Tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"I... I don't know what would of happened to me i-if I never Met you..." He sobbed. I Hugged him. "Hey, Hey. Your life was at least better then mine. Trust me." I said, Rubbing his back. "H-How so..?" He said as I wiped away his tears. "Well, Ever since I turned 6 years old, I was bullied constantly. I was Punched, Kicked, Pushed, Cut, Burned, and Nearly Killed so many times. I never knew why at the time. The kids at school Told me to disappear, to die. I almost listened to them. I was so Afraid of going outside. Then, They lied to us." "L-Lied to you..? W-Wait... Us? Who was the other person?" "...My Sister Annie. Well, The second youngest out of all 5 of us. To protect her from the other kids, I lied and said she was A friend. Soon, The Kids from school dared me to go into the Kinji rareta Forest. Annie Followed me in, and we were both killed by an Assassin." I said to Soft.

"...I guess... We both didn't have the Best of lives... Huh?" Soft said, Smiling weakly at me. "Heh... Yeah..." I said. We soon sat on the floor in pure silence. I inched closer to Soft until I was sitting Beside him. I held his hand in mine as I stared into his emerald eyes. We closed our eyes as we leaned in. We were so close to kissing when someone banged on the door. "GUYS, YOUR NEW SHIP NAME IS TOFT, OK?!" We heard Slush yell. "SLUSH LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Krazed yelled at his sister. We Sweat dropped as We heard Krazed drag Slush away. I sighed. "I swear she is an Idiot. She wants us to date but she keeps interrupting us." Soft Giggled. "Hey, She's trying." 

We both started laughing. "S-So want to c-continue what we were doing...?" Soft asked, His face red. "S-Sure." I smiled. I placed a hand on his cheek and we leaned in. We closed our eyes once we closed the distance between us. I have to admit, I was so nervous, I could just lay down and die. 


My Heart was Beating so Fast. Once we broke off the Kiss, She Smiled at me and Said the words I always wanted to hear from her. "Chu, I Love you." Tears of joy filled my eyes. "I-I love you to Tiny!" I smiled. "Well, I am thirsty, and Slush might be dying right now." Tiny giggled. "Probably." Tiny held my hand and led me out the room, and when We entered her room, and she let go of my hand. 

She opened her Mini Fridge and held out a Beer. "Want one?" She asked me. "O-O-Oh no, I don't Drink." I replied. "Suit yourself." was all she said, as she walked to the living room with two beers in her hand, I assumed one was for Krazed. Once we entered the Living room, Tiny Yelled at Krazed for Smoking In The living room. I Knew Krazed's Mask was an Illusion Created by his Relic, But I think it looks weird when he smokes since the Cigarette is inside his mask. "Tiny, You said you would Drink on Fridays, not Wednesdays." Astrov, Her fourth younger sibling, Pointed out.

"Astrov, I'm Your older Sister." Tiny pointed out. "So don't start that Shit with me." She said opening the beer and taking a sip. "Sooo are you two dating??" Slush asked. "I-I, U-Uh..." Was all I could say. "Yes. We are." Tiny said. Slush and Leah squealed. "OTP!!" They Yelled excitedly.

"Idiots." Tiny said in annoyance.


Words: 548


I AM SO EXCITED. Honestly I wanted to make this In later Chapters, but I decided to just do it. AND I AM PROUD! I am so proud of myself.

Hehe! Stay Frosteh!

~An excited TMK

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