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"so," brendon began, walking down the hallway with ryan to their study hall after lunch together, "do you really wanna hang out tonight?"

"yeah, i was hoping so. is it okay with you?"

"yup, totally. meet me outside school after you have english?"



"hey ry!" brendon said as soon as he saw the older boy walk out of the building.

"what's up?"

"nothing. ready?"

"yeah, let's go!"

they walked together to the parking lot, immediately spotting brendon's bright red ford fusion.

the two then entered the car, the drive being only four minutes long. but, it was conversation-filled.

"uh, ryan, can i ask you something?"


"why'd you blow off christa to hang out with me?"

"i just wasn't really feeling it today, you know?"

"oh, okay, yeah."

"why do you ask?"

"i just thought you'd wanna spend time with your girlfriend, i guess."

"eh. to be honest, i'm kinda getting sick of her laugh. it's like, "haheehahee!" and what makes it worse is that she laughs at every. single. remotely. funny. thing," ryan complained, sighing after he finished speaking.

"i can't disagree about that laugh thing, though. it might even be worse than that girl from the justin bieber video."

"i like that laugh. hehehehe," ryan imitated, making brendon go into hysterics.

"okay, we're here," brendon said after a few more minutes of conversing in the car. "follow me."

sorry i haven't updated in like 500 million years
but also my friend came out as genderfluid today i was so proud

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