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"is everything okay with you and brendon, ry?" vicky asked worryingly. she was not going to let her ship sink this time. she had learned her lesson from trying and failing to set gabe up with william beckett a year ago.


"it's not. what happened?"

"nothing, alright?"

"ryan, you can tell me..."

"i'll tell you guys at the lunch table today. that way everyone will get to know at the same time."

"oh, uh, okay."

it was a loooong social studies class from there on. but, vicky wasn't going to lose hope. she knew what ryan was going to say.

he was going to say that he fucked with brendon urie.
she knew that look. she had that look when she fucked and lost her virginity to sarah a few months ago. but, they weren't nearly as awkward as brendon and ryan were.


lunch came an hour later, the friends rushing to the table, excited to interrogate brendon and ryan about their awkwardness.

they all sat down rather rapidly, brendon and ryan, of course, unusually close to each other once more.

"so, why are you guys so weird around each other today?" spencer asked. "is everything okay between you two?"

"yeah, it's ju-"

"we kinda fucked."

oh shit. brendon urie was about to get a severe beating tonight.

and not the kinky kind.

and that was the moment that vicky started internally screaming, sarah actually screaming, gabe looking perfectly fine, and jon and spencer looking, well, kind of pleased, to be honest. i mean, they were the original ryden shippers.

"we knew you weren't straight, ryan, honey," vicky said, still internally screaming.

"oh. i thought i was convincing."

"you weren't," added brendon. "sorry to break it to you. you've had that homo beauty since the days i laid eyes on you, which was also the day you made me the gay freak i am."

"so...are you guys, like, dating?" gabe questioned.

"i don't know. what are we, friends with benefits?"

"whatever you want to be, brendon. i just don't want to force something on you that you don't want."

"so," gabe started again, "are you guys dating or not?"

omg cliffhanger!!!!!
also i'm starting to get more ideas for this book again even though it's still pretty trash but more updates at least

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