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"hey, you fucking faggots!" brent screamed, his posse behind him.

ryan and brendon ignored him, just casually getting the classroom necessities from their lockers.

"i said hey, fags! look at me!"


"what did you just say to me, urie?" brent said, gritting his teeth exaggeratedly.

"i said no, you shithead. just leave us alone."

"why, so you can suck him off in the janitor's closet?"

"that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. how about it, bren?"

"sounds good to me. give us five, brent? you guys can listen from outside the door. just keep your scowling a little quieter than it is now."

brent looked like he was going to spontaneously combust, so brendon kept going with the smart remarks.

"i think brent's just jealous that we get more action than him in one day than he's gotten in three years."

"i'm not jealous. i don't want a dick up my ass."

"then you're not a bottom, i guess. take the possibilities of homosexuality into thought."

"i'm not fighting with you anymore, you queers. i'm leaving."

"we're not fighting," started ryan, "we're having a completely civilized conversation."

"sure. i'm fucking leaving."

"mr wilson, you're not going anywhere."

mrs williams was then behind brent, a terrified look crawling onto his face as he realized she heard all of what he said.

his posse ran off, mrs williams not even doing anything about it because they didn't really say anything. her main concern was brent.

"i'd like to have a talk with all of you in my office. you've already been excused from all of your classes that you will miss, so don't worry about that. come with me, boys."

they followed the principal into her office, brent shaking nervously.

"let's talk about this in a civilized manner. i'd like to bring up mr wilson's post. everyone knows that anonymous217 was you, brent. i'd like to know why you posted this."

help i'm getting dangerously emo again my instagram saved is drastically changing from Mostly Supernatural And Destiel to ryden+2007 pete wentz+fever era so that's great and i'm listening to a lot of old fob and panic recently so

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