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Luna sighed walking down the street she was only ten, she couldn't comprehend why her parents had given her up or even when they did. She looked around the place she was she didn't know where, but she absolutely loved it the colors seemed brighter and the quite seemed to be louder than before. She smiled lightly and sat down near the canyons edge, Jay looked over and saw a young girl sitting near the edge of the canyon. His parents always told him not to go near it but, he did not want her to fall in. He carefully approached luna and sat next to her, he smiled at her with his infectious smile causing her to do it as well. He held out his hand hoping she would take it as a peace offering and to his surprise she did.

"I'm Jay, what's your name?"

Luna thought for a minute not sure whether she should tell him her name. "Luna, my name is Luna..."

She stared at the boy as she remained silent after that, he smiled and gripped her hand lightly. "Well luna you're my friend now okay?" Luna smiled brightly and nodded starting the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Till Luna was adopted two years after they started being friends. When if was time to go Jay ran up to her, "Luna wait!" He huffed as he stopped in front of her. "I made this for you, so you would never forget me...I hope we see each other again someday" Luna stared at the little heart shaped locket the only way to open it was hers or Jay's fingerprints on the back. On the inside was a lasered on picture of her and him, she closed it seeing the capitalized L on the front she put it in her pocket and hugged him tightly around his neck. Her parents put her in the car and as they drove away Luna and Jay waved goodbye for the last time.

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