***disclaimer: if you are a feminist and gets really offended easily, i suggest you to skip to the next chapter if you don't want controversial topics. i just want to rant and speak my opinion.***
oh wow.
i never thought i would upload something like this on this book..
but, ya know what's there to lose. (everything)
if you're a hardcore feminist, please don't read this as it will probs make you angry at me :P
i've only learned about feminism just last year so when i first heard about it i just thought "why would anyone not be a feminist? equality among the genders? YES. i'm a feminist!! everyone should be!!!!",,,
butttttt my opinion on things "matured" i guess you could say and has gotten a little more factual as i read more into what feminism is and the feminists that surround this community.
if feminists want equality between the genders, i feel like they should talk about male issues in society as well as women's. the issues of women are overwhelmingly discussed above the issues that men face in the modern society. if feminists would really like to be taken seriously with the notion that "feminism is the equality of all genders" then they need to address the unique struggles that both men and women face in 1st world countries.
honestly, i love the idea of leveling out the genders so we can all be equal and i support this side of feminism. it's just that i hate how the whole feminist community is pretty toxic. they end up blaming everything on patriarchy. that word is such a misconception between some feminists that it's absolutely comical. i just hate how this word evokes the feeling of males ruling all aspects of society with women hiding behind some curtain somewhere. yes i agree that our society has truly had a sexist past, and this changes our perspective of how we think or see things now in regards of gender, but this doesn't mean that there is a "male ruling class" as the term "patriarchy" would suggest.
"but patriarchy hurts men too!" does it really? it's a pretty bad male-supremacy system then if men engineered a society that hurts them! the world isn't that incompetent to run themselves over with social structures they designed themselves.
honestly some people in the community are completely ignorant when it comes to social justice. contradicting other's statements they don't agree with is not only is unproductive, but shows that they don't have a voice or an open mind. what they do have is recycled information from tumblr users speaking out against patriarchy. it shows that their interest in social politics is just merely an act and shows that they rarely care about others points of views in order to make tangible solutions in this society. they have this one-sided way of seeing things. they have not once considered other people's opinions or have seen other people's personal perspective on things instead of basing all their opinions on 300 notes tumblr posts.
also a thing that annoys me the most is when feminists say "don't assume gender!" but literally every feminist i've seen on the internet assumes that everyone that disagrees with them is a cis male. honestly, men and women will never be equal if people continue to believe that one sex is inherently evil. men face the exact same social pressure as women. stop trying to explain that women are the only ones that are expected to meet high standards. it's honestly disheartening for men who have struggling lives to constantly keep hearing that they have some sort of inherited privilege.
the answer to my question:
am i a feminist?
uhhhh if feminism means equality between the genders and not just about the struggles women have, then heck yes i'm a feminist. (keep in mind that i'm a girl)
but if feminism means blaming everything on patriarchy and only speaking up about women's problems, then heck no we need equality.
these are just my opinions on things. if you'd like to share yours, feel free to comment them if you'd like!
k that's all. byyeeee!
update: i had a talk with my friend vivian @user65542738 about this and we share pretty much the same opinions about feminism. so yipee!
just a story
Ngẫu nhiênjust a journal / blog book filled with a collection of random miscellaneous stories, rants, and mildly interesting opinions :) enjoy!