Chapter One

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Screams. That's the first thing that finally reached my senses. Then came the cries. After a while, I noticed that that there were several kinds. There were the ones of sheer panic, the ones of sheer fear, and the ones of pure sadness. There may have been more, but I could not hear them.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around in confusion. Why were so many people screaming? Everything was fi-

And that’s when it hit me. I remembered the sirens, warning us of what was to come, and remembered how quick the storm had moved in. I remembered how it wasn’t long before the door was blown open and the rain came rushing in. I remembered how I ran up to Mom’s room to check and see if she was okay-

Mom. I frantically looked around and then tried to sit up, but immediately cried out in pain. A large board, and maybe more, was on top of me, virtually crushing my stomach. I prayed to God that I wouldn’t be paralyzed if- when I got out of this.

I managed to wriggle both of my arms out from under the board and didn’t hesitate to begin trying to lift up the board. My body cried out in protest as I pushed up with all of my might, but the only thing on my mind was Mom. I had to get to her. She was probably out there somewhere, and I was stuck here, helpless-

I gave one last push and finally managed to get the board off of me. I immediately sat up and clutched my side. It was worth the pain, though. I at least knew that I was able to sit up. I next wiggled my legs and feet around, making sure that I could still feel them. I wasn’t paralyzed. I don’t often pray to God, or even talk to Him in general, but I was silently really happy that my prayers were answered.

The worst hadn’t even begun though. I took in my surroundings and took in a deep breath. The house was in ruins. It seemed that the board that had been on top of me was the kitchen table as well as some heavy debris from the roof. I assumed that I was in the kitchen.

Slowly but surely I snaked my way out of the house, getting deep grazes from something on almost every part of my body. When I finally got out, I sucked in a sharp breath at the sight that I saw. Our house was basically levelled. And that didn’t even begin to describe what the world looked like around me. Everything was torn apart. The houses had collapsed, or were flooded with water and were barely standing.

Screaming. More screaming. But it was my name. I looked around in a panic as I dug through the broken scraps of what was once our house like a madman until I reached who it was. Mom. I almost broke down when I saw her, carefully pulling her out from the ruin.

Together, we stood there, taking in the sight. Mom started crying but I just seemed to feel numb. That’s when my vision started going spotty and I heard Mom gasp out in horror. I looked down to see my side almost completely soaked with blood. I didn’t even get a chance to react when the whole world went black.


When I awoke next, I was staring at a white tarped ceiling. I looked around to find more horrors to await me. There were bloody people, all crying out in agony or in sorrow. I immediately turned back to the ceiling. I assumed that this was to be the hospital until things got better.

I glanced to my other side to find my mom sitting there in a chair, smiling weakly down at me. Her hand was in mine gently while her other one was in a sling. I immediately tried to sit up but groaned. My mother only made me gently lay back down.

“You cut yourself pretty bad,” she said softly, “They gave you a few stitches and bandaged up some of your other cuts, but they said you’ll be okay.”

I nodded slowly before asking after a long moment, “Where are we gonna go?”

Mom looked down at the floor for a few seconds before looking back up at me, “We’re going to America.”


Oof this is my first official chapter I'm posting. I tried. I hope it was okay.

I'll try to update pretty often sooo yup.

Byeeeee ::::3

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