Chapter Five

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I found out why we had gotten a good deal on the apartment. It was an absolute piece of shit. The kitchen had old, rusty appliances that probably didn’t even work, or if they did, they would blow the place up. The floor was pretty much all destroyed, torn up for who knows how long. The only decent piece of furniture in the place was a couch that was against a wall and even that had some fabric stripped away.

Mom seemed pleased with the place, or maybe that was just because Lavien was there. Eventually he left us alone, saying that we should “settle in”. I completely ignored him as he left the house.

“Well, this is nice,” Mom said with a small smile. She gazed around at the place as if it was the Taj Mahal, as if there was nothing wrong with it. She acted like the walls were covered in gold.

“Nice? Mom, our house on Nevis was better than this and that house was a piece of crap,” I spat. She only stared at me, confused about my sudden outburst. I threw my hands up in the air and handed her the box. “There. Figure out where you want to put it.”

I left the room to explore the rest of the apartment. There were two bedrooms, both with beds. There wasn’t any blankets on either of them so we would have to figure that out. Maybe we- I could suck up to one of the neighbors and convince them to give us some. Who knew.

Eventually the room I chose was the one that was the smallest. I had never liked having more space than I needed anyways and this seemed to be just the perfect size. It had one dirty window that faced out towards the street as well as a small patio that was almost twice as disgusting. I let out a small sigh and shut the door to my room, making my way over to sit on the bed.

It wasn’t two seconds after I sat down that I felt something poke my leg. I looked down to see a small lump under the sheets. I let out a surprised yelp, jumping off the bed and landing on the floor, flat on my back. Immediately I sat up again as I felt the splinters poking my back. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, knowing that I should probably get to work.

This was off to a great start.


Sorry, this was a really short chapter. The other chapters will be longer, I swear. ;;

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