No Matter What

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Chapter 11

Jaydan POV

So far, Brea and I been going out for a week in a half now. She been coming to most of my football games. Brea really holds it down for a nigga. I hope nobody tries to fuck it up. When other people see you doin good, that's when they want to see you fall. It's not going to be like that with me and Brea. She coming over to the house today to chill. All we do is chill and talk. Jaz and I finally got our car. I got a green and black Dodge Challenger and Jaz got a silver and blue Ford Mustang GT. I'm glad they gave it to us early because I couldn't wait til next month. Just in time for Brea birthday in four days. I got a game today and this is the second to last game before we go to the playoffs. We playing a tough team so I hope we win.


Finally school is over and We are getting ready for the game. Everyone is focused and ready to beat this team. All the football players and cheerleaders are sitting down eatting. I feel someone cover my eyes and they hands cold.

"Nigga win this game or I'm going to beat yo ass." Someone said in a deep voice. I know it wasn't a dude because their hands weren't big.

I removed their hands from my eyes and turned around to see Brea smiling. "Is that a promise?" I said smiling.

"You nasty." She gave me a kiss.

"You coming to the house after the game?" I said with my arm around my waist.

"Yeah. Messiah said his people goin out on their anniversary for the weekend and we can chill at his house." Brea told me.

"Tonight or tommorow?" I asked.

"Both days. I'm coming to yall house tonight for a little while. I'm going to Siah house tommorow." Brea said.

"iight cool."

"I will see you at yo house. Play good for me bae." She pecked my lips and walked outside.

The game right now 27-28, and we're one point behind. There is 10 seconds left in the forth quarter. It's goal & 10. All I have to do is pass the ball to Trey and we will take the lead and win. I called the play, I gave Trey the ball and he ran and made a touchdown. Our kicker made the field goal and now it's 34-28. We have 5 seconds left in the game and it is the other teams possesion. The kicker kicked the ball to the opposing team and they caught it. The player ran all the way to the 30 yard line and he got tackled by Tae. Game is over!! We won the game! This season has been good we only lost 2 games. One more game next week, and then after that, we headed to the Playoffs. I'm sore as a bitch mane. This game worked me out damn. I have to drive home anyway. Im'a ask Brea to help me out when I get home. The team went to the locker room, and the coach talked to us. He gave us a small talk and we finally left. I was walking at a pace but I was going kind of slow because I am sore. Brea saw how I was walking and she came towards me.

"Good game bae. Yall did yall thang tonight." She said as she hugged me.

"Thanks. When we get to the house, can you help me out after I take me a shower? I'm hurting right now." I said walking as she helped me.

"Yeah I got you. You just go home. I'll bring you and Jaz something to eat." She rubbed my back and I opened her car door.

"Ok." I closed her door and I got in my car. I drove straight home so I can take me a shower and lay down. I turned my tv on and "The Purge" was on. Brea likes this movie. After that we going to watch "The Purge 2: Anarchy". She like them movies. I don't know why but she like them. I heard a knock at my bedroom door. Before I could say come in, Brea walked in with snacks.

"How you feelin'?" Brea closed the door and put the snacks down in my chair.

"A little bit better since I took a shower. What you bought?" I said trying to sit up.

"Just some snacks. The food places had a long ass line." Brea sat in my bed and start drinking a Dr.Pepper.

"That must be your favorite drink." I said as she passed me a Powerade.

"Yeah it is. Where are you sore at?" Brea asked me.

"My legs, but they will be alright." I insisted.

"I'll massage your back if you want me to." She looked at me signaling to lay down on my stomach.

"Oh yeah you can do that. You can do it for as long as you like." I smiled layin down on my stomach watching the movie. She sat on my back and start to massage it. Damn it feels so good.


She laughs. "You feelin better now."

"Yeah. I got to tell you something bae."

She got up and laid against my pillows and I did the same.

"No girl has ever held me down and support me like you do. You come to most of my games, and when I'm hurt or anything your right there on my side. I appreciate that. I want to let you know that I support you 100 percent during your basketball season or anything." I explained to her while looking in her eyes.

"You know I got you no matter what Jay." She rubbed the side of my face and kissed my cheek.

"I know. You laying with me tonight?" I asked her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Yeah. I will have to get up at about probably have to get up at about 5 or something and go back in Jaz room. I don't want your mama thinking we did anything." Brea said.

"I feel you." I agreed. She was watching the movie and she didn't look away. I wanted to mess with her just bacause I was bored. So I was rubbing her waist and she moved a little. She must have felt some type when I did that but she paid it no mind. I held her and she immediately got comfortable. I kissed her on her neck.

"Come on now Jay." She said trying to move over.

"You tried that last time and you know what happened." I said smirking.

"Jay, I'm watching the movie." She turned back around to the tv.

"Turn to me."

She did as I told her and I kissed her passionately. We kissed a good ten minutes. I know that is a long time but I couldn't stop. We finally pulled back and we continued to watch the movie. Later on, we end up falling to sleep. I was holding her from behind as her arms were relaxed on mine. I set an alarm on my phone so I will know when to wake her up.


My alarm rung and I woke Brea up. As she got up, she kissed me.

"I love you." She whispered as she walked to the door.

"I love you too."

I thought about the whole night how we just chilled and talked. Brea is the best girlfriend I have had in a while. I'm starting to fall in love with her.










Finally updated. I really had to think about this chapter. It finally came together.

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