Xmas be like Part 1

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Chapter 17


Brea POV
Yesterday was fun and crazy. But shxt its Christmas Break and Im happy aab. No school, don't have to get up early, just a chill ass 2 weeks. Jaydan suppose to be taking me out today. He know I like to sleep late so we goin tonite round 6pm. Give me sometime to get sleep in and prolly find me a pretty outfit. I decided tonight, ima switch it up a bit. So I need to go shopping 😈 I gotta call up Jaz becuz i know this up her ally. I got up and took me a 20min shower and handled the rest of my hygiene. As I was puttin on lotion, my phone started ringing. Jay name popped up so I answered and put it on speaker since my hands was greasy.

*Phone convo*
Me- Babe yu on speaker im lettin u kno na before u start talkn loud on me
Jay- I do not be talkn loud
Me- yess u do. especially in the mornin cuz u kno how i be in the mornin
Jay- (laughs) ooh yeaa but how u doin ma
Me- Im good finna put somethin on
Jay- ooh word? Ima facetime yu right na
Me- omg jayy
*call end*

Wait....diz nigga was really serious. He actually callin me on facetime. Gladly I had on some gym shorts and a sports bra.

The Facetime call connected and Jay was listenin to music in the background and smiling at me.

"I told you I was serious." Jay said trying to sound like Boosie.

I laughed as I put my phone standin up on its kickstand. "For you to actually call me and you shirtless. I was gettin dressed boo."

Jay smirked. "I know. I did it cuz I know you like it. Where you about to go?"

He right though. "True dat. I was goin to call Jaz to see if she wanted to go shoppin wit me."

"Well she already ahead of you. She headed to your house now." Jay turned down his music. "You probably goin shoppin for tonight right?"

I smiled. "Yes...No...Maybe."

He chuckled. His laugh so cute. "You gonna show me what you bought after?"

"Nahh. I will leave you guessing." I smirked and put on my long sleeve white and blue shirt. I went in the corner to change my shorts so I can put on my jeans.

"You didn't have to move out of the way becuz I wanted to see." Jay said trying to stare.

"That's exactly why I moved." I giggled.

"I'm goin to catch you slippin one day." Jay said smiling.

I smacked my lips. "If you say so."

I heard my mama answer the front door so I guess that must be Jaz.

"Alright babe. Text me cuz Jaz made it and I have to finish getting ready." I walked over towards my phone and picked it up.

"iight ma." Jay blew a kiss. I giggled and blew one back. With that, we hung up. Jaz walked straight in my room and closed the door back.

"Wow..a knock would have been real good tho." I said sarcastically since she just went straight in my room like that.

She laughed. "Girl please. This like my second home."

I giggled. "Yeah."

"I came over to ask you if you wanted to go shoppin'?" She said sittin on the bed.

"Yeah. That's why I'm dressed. I need to get somethin for tonight." I said gettin my phone off the charger.

"Okay kool. What you got in mind on getting?"

"I was thinkin about gettin a dress." I said puttin on my black and white watch.

Jaz gasped sarcastically. "You?! A dress? Really?"

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