.. and kisses

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Ever since Namjoon had come home you felt some kinda way. Like, you liked him. But you didn't want to face your feeling. You weren't true to yourself. But his documents weren't true either.

Hides a lot, likes to be up at night.

That's so not true. He was always by your side and even though he was a 'silent' hybrid, he sure did snore very loud while sleeping. And he does sleep a lot.

For 5 years ago when he first came, he insisted to sleep with you, and ever since, you guys always did so. At first, you were taken aback by his snoring, leaving you sleepless for a few days. But now you're used to it.

And even though you had masked your feelings, here you were, 5 years later, in a relationship with your lovely hybrid roommate. Though it actually took a few years for that to happen.

2 years ago

It had been 3 years since Namjoon had come into your life and you couldn't be happier.

You had done a good job not showing the feelings you had for him. And you would probably be fine hiding them for a few more years.

You didn't know about your 'true' feelings for him until 2 years of knowing him. You kinda just woke up one day, 1 year ago, and looked at him as if he was everything you had, and everything you wanted. Being honest, he was and is, the only thing you have, and the only thing you want.

I mean you have a job, you have furniture, you have a toilet, you have, well a life. But those things you can get anywhere. But there's only one Namjoon. And he's yours. Like literally, you own him. But you wanted to be in his heart like he was in yours.

Namjoon had the same feelings as you had, and as all the romantic books you had read, he kept them to himself, thinking you didn't feel the same.

It was currently 5:00 in the morning and you had woke up feeling a bit weird.

You unwrapped yourself from Namjoons arms that were wrapped around you tightly and went to the bathroom deciding to take a cold shower.

Namjoon woke up not long after the shower water started. Looking at the clock beside him he questioned why you had woke up so early. Especially on a Saturday. He didn't remember that you needed to go to work or had a meeting.

Namjoon got up and decided to take out some new clothes from his wardrobe and prepare to go in and shower after you. He walked into his own room where he had all his things and his wardrobe.

He heard the door to the bathroom open and started to walk towards the bathroom, now with some new clothes in his hand.

Walking into your room he saw you looking for some new clothes, with just a towel around your body.

He walked into the shower and only when the door closed you realized he had seen you.

It wasn't that big of a deal, you had known each other for 3 years now. But slightly embarrassing.

You found what you wanted to wear and walked down the stairs, so you could walk into the smaller bathroom and dress there.

The bathroom downstairs was way smaller than the one in your room. It didn't have a shower in it, but it did have a toilet, and that's probably one of the more important things to have in a bathroom.

You put on your underwear and then your white socks. You had chosen some  ripped highwaisted stretch jeans and a black button-up shirt. You put them on and made your way out of the bathroom.

You walked into the kitchen and looked into the fridge. You looked around and your eyes meet a bowl of strawberries. Deciding to make a smoothie with them, you grabbed the mixer and poured in the strawberries, alongside with some yogurt you found in the fridge.

Mixing everything together you felt some hands creep around your waist and pulling you into a hug. You looked back to see a smiling Namjoon and retreated your focus back to what you were doing.

You poured the smoothie into two cups, taking them in your hands, turning around, still wrapped in his arms, and holding one in front of him. He laughed and released you from his embrace and took the smoothie in one of his hands.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit after I drink this up," you said looking at him.

He nodded and poked your arm,

"Do you want to come with me?" He nodded again making you giggle.

You were done with your smoothie and put the cup in the sink.

"I'm just gonna brush my teeth," you said to him, looking at him, he had just put his cup in the sink just like you.

You both started to walk up the where your room was, so you could use the bathroom there.

You took your toothbrush and put it under rinsing water, then you put on some toothpaste and started to brush your teeth. You looked at Namjoon thinking how it would be to be something more than friends.

When you were done you walked down to the front door.

You put on your shoes and a coat since it was autumn.


As you both walked down the empty streets, you looked at what was around you. A blue sky, blue water at your right side, and some blue flowers at your left side.

Maybe today was gonna be blue. You know, sad.

You saw a bench on your right side and made your way to sit down on it.

When you sat there you looked at Namjoon who were already looking at you.

"Joonie, why are you always looking at me?" you asked to which he looked down and blushed.

He moved closer to you and engulfed you in a hug. You smiled at it as you pulled away, you looked at his neck where his collar was and reached your hand out to touch it.

You looked at it and pulled it a little making him move even closer.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to!"

He smiled at you and hugged you again.

"I like your hugs. Make sure to save some of them for the future," you said into his shoulder.

"I love you!" you heard in your ear.

You pulled back and looked up at him.

"Huh, what?"

"I love you.." he said, this time so quiet that you barely could hear him.

He looked at you, with some hope in his eyes, hoping you felt the same way as him.

"I love you too!" you said almost as quiet as him.

Namjoon smiled and pulled you into a soft kiss. As you pulled back you grinned.

"I like your hugs.. and kisses, make sure to give me some more."

You both started to laugh until he said,

"My mate."

Silent Love {Slow Updates} [Hybrid!Namjoon X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now