Silent Love Indeed

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"Come on, come on, let's play!!"

You were currently in the kitchen of your dear friend Yoongi and his dog hybrid Taehyung.

Yoongi was one of the reasons you decided to get a hybrid. Yoongi had found Taehyung in an alleyway and decided to take him home. Yoongi treated Taehyung like a roommate, though it didn't take long for them to become partners.

Yoongi used to be the only person you knew who had a hybrid, but he introduced you to two other people, Seokjin and Hoseok.

Seokjin had a cat hybrid named Jimin. They were probably the most relaxed and prettiest people you've ever seen. They weren't in a relationship though, only friends.

Hoseok on the other hand, had a relationship with his bunny hybrid named Jungkook, though you often called him Kookie since he liked being called that instead.

They were people who didn't force anything with their hybrids, it made you appreciate them even more.


You looked to Taehyung who dragged Namjoon away from the kitchen so they could play somewhere else.

"Is he still silent?"

Yoongi was always very blunt when expressing himself, it often caught you off guard but by now you were used to it.

"Yeah, it's in his nature," you stated.

"Man, I would be so concerned if Tae stopped talking, and then there's you, who's concerned when Namjoon starts to talk." he laughed thinking how crazy it sounded.

"Well, that's because Tae talks all the time, if he would stop talk I would be concerned too!"

"Though Y/N, I wonder how you keep up with it, like isn't it hard sometimes."

"Look, he can talk, he just doesn't do it all the time. And you could say it's silent love."

"Silent love? What do you mean?"

"I mean, sometimes love is enough, no words can express that feeling. So even though he's silent, we've got love an-"

"No Y/N! Stop right there!" he said.

Yoongi looked you right in the eyes, "When did you become so.. romantic... It's disgustingly cute, and I can't handle it."

"Well then tell me Yoongi, when did you become such a sassy softie." You both let out a laugh.


Meanwhile upstairs Taehyung and Joonie were playing, or well Taehyung was playing while Namjoon just sat on the bed that was in the room.

"Hyung," the dog hybrid had said while looking up at Namjoon from the floor.

Namjoon looked at Tae and nodded his head for him to continue.

"Look, I can catch my own tail." Taehyung started to chase his tail until he finally caught it like he had said.

"Can you catch your tail?" Tae said with a smirk, knowing Namjoon had a way to short tail for that to happen.

Namjoon then stood up and reached his hand behind his back, grabbing his tail.

Taehyung looked at him with disbelief written on his face, as he inspected the elder.

"Well you can't catch it with your mouth like I can," he said while demonstrating it, catching it with his mouth.

Namjoon smiled at the younger and went back to sit on the bed.

His ears perked up as he heard your footsteps coming closer. He stood up and walked over to the door that was closed. Making you meet his face the first thing when you opened the door.

You jumped a bit back, not expecting him to be so close when you opened the door.

He pulled you in for a short hug and pulled away looking at you.

"We gotta go home!" you said making the dog in the background pout.

"Nooo, not yet!"

Both you and Namjoon looked at him and giggled.

"Yes we do," you said as he came close and hugged you both in a group hug.

"I'll miss you both."

"We too, bye Tae Tae," you said as you made your way down the stairs with Namjoon.

Putting on your shoes and jackets you said your last goodbyes and walked out of the house.

"Did you have fun Joonie?" you asked and looked at him. He nodded his head and grabbed your hand, continuing walking.


So I haven't updated for a while and I'm so sorry for that!

But here's a new chapter anyways. I probably won't be updating as often as before. I've had a hard time coming up with new thing to write. But I'm not out of ideas, yet. And I'm also working on a new series. Which is taking up a lot of my time. Other than that, I hope you liked this chapter!!

Silent Love {Slow Updates} [Hybrid!Namjoon X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now