Chapter Twenty-three

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Hope you like it guys, especially you cygnet ahahahahahahahaha






My dreams were clouded with old memories.

Things I didn't want to remember. I woke up 8am, sweating like a maniac. I decided to go for a walk in the fresh air, throwing a hoodie on. When I entered the kitchen I found a very very depressed looking mother. She sat sipping tea and rubbing her temples and muttering something like 'never again'. I knocked on the door frame to signal that I was coming in.

I cleared my throat. "Ah hi...mum" I stuttered. 

"I'm sorry Finn" She said softly, but never making eye contact with me. I gave her a weak smile and shook my head.

"Nah It wasn't your fault, It was his" My voice completely full of venom as I finished the sentence. Then she turned to me, her expression full of confusion.

"W-What are you doing up?" She asked pouring the remander of her tea in the sink. I stuck my hands in my pockets and shifted from each foot uneasily. 

"Memories" I muttered. She grimaced, knowing exactly what memory I was talking about. She then kissed me on the cheek and left. Yes there were drama's in all family's. But our drama's never went away. I crashed on the couch and didn't wake up until ten minutes before I had to leave for school.

Walking down the street with Lisa we both got a text. 

*Pool Party @ Bill's 9:00 Friday, Guarenteed good time*

Lisa laughed, before I kissed her goodbye and made my way to my school, while re-reading the text again and again.

Billy wanted every one there. He'd seemed to find everyines numbers, including Lisa's, her friends and all of their friends. He also did it through Facebook. I couldn't wait for friday, Billy always gave EVERYONE a good time. How? He's stupidly rich thats how. Dads a musician or something. House is massive. Food. Drinks. Entertainment. 

This was going to be one long week




"IT STINKS" Mark yelled covering his mouth.

I coughed/laughed as we all jogged out of the science lab's. Matt set of a stink bomb, and Ms Mariah, the very attractive, young sub teacher, now had him by his collar. Practically dragging him to the principals office. When she stumbled in her 5 Inch heels we all laughed, because Matt certainly wasn't making it any easier for her. By lunch Bill was already telling us about the o-so-great party that is going on. Dj's and bands and professional food and ughh. 

After school I overheard Lisa's friends all giggling about our relationship. She was blushing and kept telling them to shut up. For my amusement I kissed Lisa on the nose and wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked away. She laughed and rolled her eyes at her friends, who were taking pictures of us as we walked away.

Once out of earshot she said "You totally did that to make them go all girl crazy".

I laughed. "Whats wrong with flaunting my relationship with my extremely hot girlfriend?" I asked sarcastically.

"Nothing, when you call me your extremely hot girlfriend" She smirked. I kissed her forehead. And I may or may not have fallen asleep, with my head on her shoulder on the train home. But I woke two stops from mine, my head on her lap, to see her intently reading her book and running her fingers through my hair. 

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