Chapter Twenty

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We were out in Inverness, which is a city a few hours away from Skye. I had found out that there were special shops, for dragonriders and other magical creatures, that had things that we would need such as combat clothing fit for the weapons we handle and saddles for dragons. Sam, Sarah and I had decided to come and explore some of these these shops.

we had certain things we needed to get for the winter tournament as well. The first on the list was clothing that was suitable for combat. the school had handed out maps to is which directed us to to these shops. For the clothes we were headed to Debenhams.

"I seriously can't believe it. I've been to Debenhams so many times now and I had no idea that they had a whole secret floor for special dragonriders clothing and equipment," Sam marveled.

Sarah nodded in agreement before adding, "Can you imagine the fact that there are whole shops all over the world that are for dragonriders specially and no adrane had ever found out about one or accidently stumbled into one."

"Maybe they have but they didn't realise because they thought maybe it's one of those unique shops with abstract thing and everyone in the so shop had to act like it's a normal place," I said with a laugh.

The others broke into laughter as well as we walked into Debenhams. It seemed like a very possible thing to happen. I wonder if it had ever happened in Debenhams or maybe even the school.

"What if that happens in school one day?" I questioned as we made our way to the counter.

Sam gasped, "We would have to act normal for once!"

A few heads turned our way but we couldn't help laughing even more. We really would have to act like normal students, which now seems like a very difficult thing to do. A normal student shouldn't be learning some of the things we learn, be training with weapons or be an elemental.

For a normal student the biggest problems are making sure you pass the next exam and that your social life is going the way you want it. We still have to focus on these things but they're not our main concerns. We have to focus more on training and being prepared for the upcoming winter tournament.

After that, however, the main focus will be the exams because we will all need to pass them to be able to go on our quest for our dragons. I wanted so badly to find my dragon and be able to experience that bond on real life. I was starting to believe that Ezra may really be my dragon after all.

Miss Frey - I mean Laura - was still unsure of the reason behind my dreams but she also thinks that Ezra is my dragon. She thinks that maybe Ezra is trying to reach out to me. We still weren't sure because dragons normally don't reach out to their rider before their first quest. This only made me worry more since there must be a reason if she was reaching out and it was most likely that she was in danger.

I had been trying not to worry and focused instead on the upcoming winter tournament. The reason we were here was to get clothes for the tournament. We needed to get full clothing fit for fighting but comfortable at the same time.

November had told me that I should look for one of her friends from the Academy named Clarissa. She worked here and was in charge of the special floor located on a level under the main shopping centre. I looked around for someone that matched the description that November had told us but couldn't find her.

"Hello, you must be the ones November was telling me to look out for," a voice addressed from behind us.

I turned to see a dark skinned women with long black braided hair smiling at us. She had gold beads sprinkled across her braids.

Smiling I nodded, "Clarissa?"

"The one and only," Clarissa said with a little giggle, "Come on, I'll take you to the special floor."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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