Chapter 3- The Snow gift

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One week for Christmas.

Marco watched the snow fall behind the windowpane. He tried not to look at his reflection, but at the world that was covered in white on the other side of his room. It almost calmed him down, as long as he did not remember that white line that seemed to show through his legs where his tibiae should be. Or that Star seemed worried, two days ago she was looking for some kind of solution in her book, and Tom acted almost as if he was worried about what happened to Marco.

And he was changing.

He did not know what, he was changing something, and each morning he had to look in the mirror and see that his transformation had advanced. Because it was progressing, slowly but surely, and the spells Star had tried had not improved. They even seemed to affect him less now. That, or the nerves were playing tricks on both of them. At three.

"Marco!" Star knocked on her door, her voice full of her usual joy. "Marco, open! I found something great!

The boy, curious, went to open the door, and saw the girl, excited, holding what appeared to be a blue and white steering wheel.

-Marco, look what I found. They were distributing them in the street! They say the inauguration is today, and all the attractions are free!

-Star, what are you talking about? -it did not feel quite right, but the joy of the girl was contagious. -What is it?

-It's a new amusement park, Marco, and it opens at noon today. Look, it'll open all winter! And it seems that until the second day of the year, it will have a Christmas theme. And today everything is free!

The girl looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Er, and you want to go?" Marco asked, just to be sure.

-Of course yes!

"Oh, well," the boy smiled, tired. "I think it's better than staying here all day."

-Great! And we can go with Tom, so that he comes out of his burrow, in passing.

Marco was not so happy.


Tom agreed, with a calmness that made Marco think if that was really Tom and not an impostor. But if his eyes did not deceive him, he was the true one, and agreed to go with them, after Star insisted. He walked beside them, with three layers of clothes more than the rest of the people, Star and him included.

-Hey, Tom, if this is too cold for you ... - the girl began.

"I've never seen snow before," the devil said. "But it will not stop me. Also, it's better than being locked up all day.

Marco almost smiled bitterly.

Tom had reached the point of shelter where it was difficult for him to move, and he walked as if he were a kind of robot, but he walked. And he seemed curious about the snow, although it was too cold for him. Living where he lived, it was no wonder ... Although perhaps his coach for life (Brian?) Would have told him something about it, nothing compared to the experience.

-Uuuuuuuu, look at that, guys! - Star said, pointing to the entrance to the park.

The entrance arches seemed to be made of ice, although when approaching they saw that it was made of glass, adorned with giant snowflakes of different shapes. Inside, there were ice rinks, a snow war zone, a couple of food shops, a roller coaster that went around the park, a parachute tower and what appeared to be an information center, or a museum, or something like that.

-Well, Marco said, smiling. -Yes, it looks great.

-True? And look, today everything is free. We have a meal included per person and we can go up once to each attraction- Star jumped into place, with a smile that reached both sides of his face, and Marco felt that he relaxed.

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