Chapter 16- Epilogue

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Tom answered the mirror and the smile faded from his face at once.

-Star- said, worried -What happened?

-It's Marco, Tom- said the girl -It just happened. Now it's calming down, but ... maybe it would be good if you came today, as soon as you can.


When he arrived at the Diaz's house, Marco was in his room. He did not respond right away when Tom called him, and when he did, it was with a familiar female voice. He was not surprised to enter and see Star next to Marco, sitting on the floor, the boy hugging his knees and the girl beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Marco?" He went to his side and knelt, worried. "What happened?"

"Mori, Tom," he sniffed and took a handkerchief Star gave him. "Mori, and I thought you and Star and Mom and Dad and everyone ... I thought they were going to die, and that I was not going to be able to do anything to save them. . And all this ... all this time I did not ... I did not fall, but today ... today I felt everything. All the weight And I could not stop.

The demon leaned toward the other boy, slowly, and put his arms around him.

-I'm here, Marco. And Star too. And your parents. We are all here for you.

A shudder ran through his body between his arms, and Marco covered his face with his hands.

It seemed that the tears had stopped, but her face was still wet, and she was in the phase of sighs and tremors. Tom and Star embraced him, each on one side, until the tension seemed to leave his body and Marco lifted his head, lowering his legs to the floor and wrapping his arms around them.

-What am I going to tell my parents?

-The truth, said Tom-it will be the best. Sooner or later they will discover it, and all hell knows about your existence, what you are capable of, and your courage. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

-It's not ... shame. It's ... they're my parents. They love me, and I know ... they're afraid something will happen to me. And when Toffe kidnapped me ... they came to my rescue. But now ... now I died. And I did not tell them. I did not tell them that I died and I lived again ...

-Marco, breathe, we are here- Star said, worried.

-I'm sorry. I do not know how-how to do this. I do not know ... I do not know what to do.

"This is normal, Marco," Tom said, stroking his damp face. "It's the impact of something big. It's ... "He looked to one side before continuing." It's hard to take it. The blow fell on me a couple of days after everything happened. I had a nightmare where ... where bad things happened, and I spent an hour without being able to stop crying. And I'm not crying, Marco. To think that ... that I could have lost you, that I was seconds away from dying and from the armed conflict that would follow ... was too much. Cry everything you need, Marco. And, if you want to tell your father or not, it's your choice.

-L- I know. Thank you. For being. Here it was hard to talk between breaths.


Tom's arms were warm.

Star's too, but his were warm because they had shared not only the warmth of friendship, but the warmth of the heart (and other parts of their bodies). Star hugged him in the face, Tom in the back, and felt the fear, the sadness and the pain evaporate in the middle of the warmth.

Good God, he was too lucky.

He had Star's head between his right shoulder and his neck, and Tom's on his left shoulder. His wings were folded, but the demon tried not to touch them. Marco allowed himself to relax, relieved of a weight he had not noticed he was carrying, and embraced the two, one with each arm, as he could.

It was awkward, but funny.

"Are you better, Marco?" The girl asked, parting a little to see him in the face.

"Yes, Star," he said, and then added, "Thank you very much." For being.

"You saved me more than once, Marco, and it's not so bad to be with you," the girl replied.

-I said the same, pretty- Tom kissed him on the cheek -and it's sooooo nice to spend time with you, with or without clothes in between.

Marco blushed.

Star laughed softly.

-Tom ...

-Please, continue.


-They are adorable together. It's your fault for being adorable, that's it.

-It's a solid logic, girl.

-They conspire, that's what you two do.

-It's your fault for being- Marco turned his head towards him, and the demon took the opportunity to kiss him on the lips-so adorable-he finished, looking into his eyes.


The scissors were arranged in two chests.

"It's the finals," Star said. "Each casket has half scissors made by Mewnians, half made by hell.

-First we will go to hell, where we will deliver the scissors to the monarchs of hell- Tom said, reviewing some notes -Then, we will take the eggs of the dragons and go to Mewni, stop delivering chest and eggs.

-And then we can go back and introduce you to ... Marco?

The boy looked at the chests as if they were invisible, and had his eyes fixed at a very distant point. Sitting on the floor, he seemed to be in another world.

"Marco, are you okay?" Star asked.

-I'm ... nervous- he said, looking at her -I've ... I've already met your parents, Star, but I have not formally introduced myself to the ... Tom's parents- looked at the devil.

"You've made a very good first impression," Tom said, with a slight smile. "And after you ... rescued me, well, I doubt you look at them badly."

"Tom, I do not know anything about etiquette in court, nor about politics, nor history. What if I screw up? What if I offend someone, and cause a war? What if I do something that ...

-You are foreign and new in our land. That will be enough so that they do not pay attention to those things. Besides- Tom placed a hand on Marco's cheek - you're beautiful. And mysterious. In the week we spend at home, you can learn many things ... and if you managed to get my father to see me with good eyes, nothing is impossible.

Marco felt his face heat up.

-And then, one week to Mewni to balance, and then everything will be more or less working. Ponyhead is anxious to see you now, Marco, "said the girl, smiling from ear to ear.

-Marco, everything will be fine. And if not, I'll be by your side to help you. "Tom paused." I know it will not be like ... like what you've done for me, but I'll do everything I can.

The other embraced him, feeling that some of the nervousness was going away with that contact. Then Star hugged them both, and Marco thought he could almost laugh now.

-Besides, look how you're dressed, boy- said the girl -Nothing will exceed that spectacular appearance with the torso discovered, but hey, you look very good like that.

-The black and white with red details fits you very well, Marco- Tom looked him up and down "You'll do fine. They have educated you well.

Marco took a deep breath and let the air go.

-Well, I'm ready- he said, getting up.

"That's how it is spoken, Marco," said Star.

"Mom and dad are eager to know more about you, nice," Tom said, and gave him a short kiss on the lips.

- Come on, pretty boys?

-Come on.

-Come on.

-All right. To the next adventure!

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