Chapter 14- Snow falls

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Marco saw Tom first, then Snow father, and almost at the same time saw the ice ax that was about to fall on the prince's neck. He acted on instinct more than anything else, although he had the good sense to hold on to the handle of the ax so that it would not hurt Tom.

His training in karate let him know where to hit to get Snow to the ground and, once there, he called to the bones, with more desire than he had used to capture Lamia. I wanted to hit Snow, but right now I had other important things to do. When a group of soldiers arrived at his side, he left the other trapped on the ground and flew to where he had seen Tom. Star was finishing cutting the ropes and straps, but the chains were still missing.

His hands went to the shackles and pulled, pulled in opposite directions until the shackle broke, and then went to another and another, while Star broke others and the soldiers of Mewni's kingdom came pouring into Snow's hideout, or whatever it was. When the demon was free, Marco carried him in his arms.


Tom's voice stopped him in his tracks and made him look, for the first time in the last hour, into his eyes, and Marco did not even think about it. He took one side of his face and tilted his head. Adrenaline and relief ran through his blood, and the feeling of Tom there, alive, kissing him, almost made him cry. It was not safe, but he just wanted to make sure, and make it clear, that they were both there, alive.

Tom took a few seconds to understand that yes, that Marco was there, and that he was not dreaming. He lifted one hand and brought it to the other boy's neck, almost trembling, as a wave of heat bathed him as if he were in a therma in the middle of the snow. He felt the emptiness shatter, and the fire burned inside him again.

And out.

"Let's go for the bastard," he said, breaking the kiss in the middle of its flames, and looking Marco in the eyes, scarlet eyes, the color of blood.


An avalanche fell into the room, and Mewni's soldiers retreated, breaking the formation and the circle around Snow. Giant ice blocks crossed the white surface, like rocks in the middle of a raging sea, and Star had to throw a jet of thermal water from the naiads to counteract the attack.

"Lamia!" Snow's voice screeched with fury. "Where are you, damn snake?" You did not tell me about this!

The room they were in was as big as a football stadium, and a snowstorm broke out there, covering everything with a howling white mantle that cut. The pieces of ice began to join, and in the waves of snow there were some that formed something too much like a yeti. The room was filled with growls and howls, when wolves and ice and snow bears were launched against the group. Star backed up until they reached them, and so did the rest of Mewni's soldiers.

"We need reinforcements!" Said Star.

"If we leave now, Snow will escape!" Tom said to Marco, who was too still, watching the storm.

The boy nodded, and raised a hand, tearing part of the reality and opening a portal to a torrid place that Tom recognized immediately. He smiled and, with the voice he used when he wanted to enforce his authority, he ordered all the soldiers from hell who were training in the barracks to come and join a real battle.


The battle lasted quite a bit, once the army of hell, or part of it, had joined the battle.

After the first wave of beings of ice and snow fell before the flames of Tom, came a second and a third, killed by the armies of the two kingdoms. With each wave came fewer beings, until in the end the white wind stopped. When the snowflakes began to settle, it was possible to see, in the distance, a figure that breathed with difficulty.

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