Chapter 15- Policy and practice

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Marco's place of residence was the Earth.

The Earth was a neutral place with all the kingdoms.

Therefore, the next logical step was for dimensional scissors to be made on Earth.

(Not that Marco had wondered whether it was safe or not.) To send Star and Tom to the dimension where Snow had tried to kill two royals of their respective dimensions, for example, but he knew less than the kings. and queens about the situation of the armed conflict and, in addition, they were adults and parents.)

Five days a week, from Monday to Friday, from four in the afternoon to eight at night, Star, Tom and Marco met to make scissors, with the help of specialists from each kingdom. Once in Marco's house, another in Tom's apartment, to be fair and no one could say he had done more than the other.

Agreements between monarchs were rare, Marco thought, while a demon watched as its claws created a portal to another dimension. Another specialist, but of Mewni, analyzed a complicated series of mathematical formulas with symbols that Marco had never seen. Star Tom and debated about the percentage of mewniana hellish to use magic for the effect lasted at least a couple of centuries scissors, and Marco just listened.

Now he liked listening more than talking.

"And you talk little and nothing now, Marco," Star told him, once they finished with the work that day, lying on a pouf in Tom's apartment. "And you have something more confidence."

The boy looked at her. He thought for a moment, and nodded to himself. Now he liked to watch and listen more than to talk.

-Other productive week- Tom patted Marc on the shoulder and sat on a nearby pouffe, with his head thrown back -If everything goes well, we will have a prototype of scissors for the middle of next week ... - he covered his face With one hand.

"Tom?" Marco asked, a little worried.

I'm fine, Marco- smiled, looking through his fingers It's just that using such magic board, with two other magic users, is tricky if you are born with those skills. Star inherited her magic wand, and you ... you're so special that sometimes I do not understand how you chose me.

-For my dreams- the boy lowered his eyelids a little with the air of a movie star of the golden years of Hollywood.

Star started laughing.

Until he started crying.

When he had learned that Marco had really died, he embraced him and began to tear silently. Not even when his wand had been destroyed had he cried so much. It took a long time to calm down, and he had not finished absorbing the news yet. Until that moment, of course.

Tom did not know what to do, and Marco got up, with a slow step, until he knelt beside the girl. He lifted a hand, a hand with human fingers and bones that looked under his skin, and placed it on the girl's shoulder.

The crying lasted a quarter of an hour, which then became hiccups.

Tom handed him a handkerchief.

"Thank you," Star said, her eyes swollen and her nose cleaner than before.

"Has it happened?" Marco asked, his voice soft and reassuring.

-S- yes- looked at him, and trembled a little, but then hugged him tightly -I'm so, so happy you're still here, Marco.

- Me too, Star, me too.


At the end of the second week, they achieved a prototype of stable scissors.

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