Avengers/Bucky Barnes

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You were headed towards your new job when you got caught in a rain storm.

"Just my luck." You mumble angrily. You had put a little extra time into your appearance this morning and all that (jazz) was now down the drain.

Your hair that you had curled and pinned up so perfectly was now dripping and shapeless, sticking to your makeup staining face.

Yet, you trudged on, towards the Avengers tower.

15 minutes later, when you finally reach the front doors, you are completely soaked through. You knew makeup had to be running down your face, and your hair was stuck to your forehead. But you had made it.

"Time to start my new job... Good first impression y/n." You sigh, pushing the door open.

The cool air blasts around you, making you start shivering.


"Yes Ms. Y/L/N?"

Just then you glance around. Tony had told you he'd be there to greet you and get you acquainted with the team. You're grateful that they're no where in sight.

"Where's Tony?" You ask the AI, stepping out of your shoes as to not track dirt and water.

"Most of the team had a last minute mission. Mr. Stark left with them and put Mr. Barnes on to help you. Though he appears t-"

You groan, cutting the AI off. You'd never met the man, but from what you'd seen in the museum he was attractive. And you were not good around attractive people.

You come back to your senses, deciding that you should try to find this Mr. Barnes.

The elevator was just to the left of the lobby, so that's where you head first, wanting to go up to the next floor to...

"I can just ask the thing..." You huff, this was already and was going to be a long day. "Friday. What floor is he on?"


After arriving on his and apparently Steve Rogers floor you step out of the elevator and into their living room. The kitchen just off to the right, and a hallway connected to the left, leading towards rooms.

Faintly you hear the sound of big band music, most likely...

"Frank Sinatra?" You can't help but to hum along as you walk toward the sound.

Running water catches your attention and you put two and two together and guess that he's in the shower.

"That's why he wasn't there when I came in." You whisper, turning to go back to the living room, wanting to wait and not intrude.

The black leather couch and love-seats looked extremely comfortable, with the dark brown coffee table in front of it. Large windows lit the room and made it feel welcoming. A plush rug was under your bare feet and that's when you remember you were still standing.

"Can I help you?" A smooth voice drawls from behind you.

You tense, turning slowly towards it.

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