Pietro Maximoff

35 1 0

December 10th

You sit outside, in the elements, the cold seeping through your sweatshirt and soaking your bones. Thoroughly freezing. You were upset, extremely so. Leading to you sitting in the cold outside, skin sizzling almost painfully as your body fought to react against nature.

You'd hurt him, again, while training. And even though he always assured you he was okay, always made sure you knew that he wasn't mad, you still couldn't help but blame yourself when you let your power get out of control.

Hopefully he wouldn't find you anytime soon, you wanted to be like this for as long as you could allow, crisscross on the concrete, soaking in the coldness. You'd quit when it got too excruciating or when someone found you passed out from the pain, until then, you'd sit in your self deprecating space.

You hadn't always done this, in fact you had avoided cold weather all together, moving to the almost constant heat of Arizona at 18. That was until the Avengers found you, and had you join them at their base in upstate New York. You despised it at best, most of the time, shortly after your arrival the Maximoff twins were added to you mix. And the presence of the two particularly the male Maximoff, made the frigidity of New York a little more bearable. Until Steve Rogers had the bright idea of the mentioned man training you, you'll admit, the twins were more in tune with their gifts. You had no say in the matter however. 

Which led you to your current predicament, sitting, alone in the near freezing rain after having singed off a little more of Pietro Maximoff than you ever would have liked to. The thought that you had hurt him infuriated you, you knew that you were a lost cause, that's what everyone has told you for your whole life at least. You huffed, being so consumed in your thoughts had drained you even further under the stinging droplets. So you pushed yourself off the cold earth, set with determination of getting back into the compound before the exhaustion was unbearable and you collapsed out here for someone to find later. You had only done that once, and it had resulted in an earful from not only Steve, but Doctor Banner and Tony too. You didn't need that today. 

With legs similar to those of a newborn giraffe or something you managed to make it back inside, you knew Friday had most likely alerted Tony, but you didn't care, you wanted your room, and bed, and to be alone. Although, those plans seemed to fizzle miserably with the rain because as the elevator dinged open, Wanda steps out, face trained on her tablet only to look up at you, face changing in shock. 

"What... what happened to you?" By the look on her face you knew you looked bad as a surprisingly strong surge of nausea crashed into you, making you sway slightly. 

She steadies you quickly, ushering you into the elevator and selecting the correct floor. Wanda had yet to release you, something you were glad for, you'd probably crumple to the floor at this point. Head throbbing in loud thumps against your cranium, sending white hot pain down your spine. You should be use to this by now though...

"I just don't understand why you do this every time. He wouldn't keep training you if you actually were hurting him you know. Or if he didn't want to, he's too much of a diva for that." She's smiling as she talks to you, trying to lighten the air around the two of you. 

Finally you had made it to your bedroom, the door swinging open automatically after somehow managing to recognize your sickly face. 

"We need to warm you up. Come on." Wanda pulls you into the bathroom, sets you on the lidded toilet and starts up the shower. 

It's only a few seconds before the bathroom is full of a sticky steam, already beginning to raise your temperature. 

"Thank you Wanda." Out of everyone in the whole building, you're glad that she was the one to find you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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