Bucky & Steve x reader

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You stood in the kitchen of your newly furnished "shared" apartment. By shared you meant with Bucky and Steve. The two men lived with you, making living costs a lot less.

You glance to the corner of the room, your vintage record player sat on its stand, just begging to be played.

The clock read 3 o clock. The boys weren't due back for another hour, that was enough time to dance around... Right?

Swiftly walking to the player you pick up your Dean Martin Christmas record and load it on the player, starting the machine and backing up into the spacious living room.

The music flowed softly into the space, making you smile and think back to your past life. Before Shields second attempt at a super soldier.

Before you knew it you were swaying gently back and forth, eventually doing a one man waltz, singing the songs quietly. Wishing the boys were home to spin you into oblivion.

I really can't stay (but baby, it's cold outside)

You gasp, scurrying to turn up the volume, this was your favorite Christmas song after all.

Just then, unbeknownst to you, the door creeps open, two pairs of blue eyes peeking in ever so slowly. Trying to be discreet, as if to catch you off guard.

I've got to go away (but baby, it's cold outside)

You once again returned to dancing and singing, albeit with more gusto this time. Not before you noticed the cracked door though.

This evening has been (been hoping that you'd drop in)

As you sing the line you sashay towards the door and swing it open. Causing the pair to stubble into the house.

So very nice (i'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)

You grasp the boys hands tightly, still singing the song as they smile widely at you.
Just then Bucky starts to sing the counter part with you. Completing the call and response you'd been missing.

My mother will start to worry (beautiful what's your hurry?)

Bucky takes your hand and pulls you into him, leading you back to the open space and beginning to dance.

Steve shuts the front door, sets their bags down and joins the two of you. Stealing you from Bucky he starts to sing, swaying gently and every now and again spinning you.

My father will be pacing the floor (listen to the fireplace roar)

You laugh, still holding onto Steve as he lifts you off the floor. Knowing the next line, you pull away from him and back up, towards the front door.

So really I'd better scurry (beautiful please don't hurry)

Bucky is quick to wrap an arm around your waist and drag you back into him, swirling back to the center. You can hear Steves laugh sound behind you, but ignore it as you look into the brunettes eyes and shrug.

But maybe just a half a drink more (put some records on while I pour)

Steve is quick to spin you back into him, then away from him as he takes Bucky's hand, the two of them start to sing as you giggle quietly and spin.

The neighbors might think (baby, it's bad out there)

Say what's in this drink? (no cabs to be had out there)

You cut in between the pair, effectively splitting them apart, the three of you laughing lightly.

I wish I knew how (your eyes are like starlight now)
To break this spell (i'll take your hat, your hair looks swell)

Steve moves closer and ruffles your hair, making your grin grow.  You wag your finger at him in time with the words, furrowing your brow as he pecks your forehead.

I ought to say, no, no, no sir (mind if I move in closer?)

Bucky saddles up beside you, gripping your waist with his hands, whispering the words to you.

At least I'm gonna say that I tried (what's the sense in hurtin' my pride?)

Both the boys pout with the line, making you laugh loudly and shove their chests.

I really can't stay (oh baby don't hold out)

You sing, backing up once again. Only to be corralled back into the men.

But baby, it's cold outside

They both sing, holding you tightly, mumbling the words into your neck and hair.

I simply must go (but baby, it's cold outside)

You sing to them, not sounding convincing whatsoever.

The answer is no (but baby, it's cold outside)

You finally will yourself to pain away and shake your head, acting with the song.

Your welcome has been(how lucky that you dropped in)
So nice and warm (look out the window at this dawn)

At that line, Bucky dramatically throws the curtains open, exposing the snow covered New York.

My sister will be suspicious (gosh your lips look delicious)

Steve closes in on you at that line, glancing at your lips and smirking. You turn a light pink and raise an eyebrow. He steals a kiss before twirling behind you to sway.

My brother will be there at the door (waves upon the tropical shore)
My maiden aunts mind is vicious (gosh your lips are delicious)

Bucky kisses your nose at that line, smiling at your reaction. Winking as he pulls you from Steves grip.

But maybe just a cigarette more (never such a blizzard before)
I've gotta get home(but baby, you'd freeze out there)

You pull away from Bucky again, just to bump into Steves chest, he grabs you hand and spins you around. Laughing.

Say lend me a coat(it's up to your knees out there)

Bucky lifts the skirt of your dress to see your knees making you snort and shoo him away as you twirl towards the door.

You've really been grand (i thrill when you touch my hand)
But don't you see? (how can you do this thing to me?)

The boys sing and cross their arms pouting, making you move closer and pat their heads.

There's bound to be talk tomorrow (think of my lifelong sorrow)

You wave your hands, pretending to be concerned.

At least there will be plenty implied (if you got pnuemonia and died)

At this Steve walks behind you and pinches your butt, causing you to Yelp and Bucky to laugh.

I really can't stay (get over that old out)

You move in between the two men, bumping your hip and grabbing Bucky hand, and lean your head on Steves shoulder as all three of you finish.

Baby, it's cold
Baby, it's cold outside

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