Tony Stark

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(You go into Home Depot with a pillow from your apartment. Wanting to find a color match for your wall and run into The Tony Stark.)

  You step out of your car, not nearly ready enough for the decently permanent change you were about to make. You've been living in your bleak, grey apartment for nearly 3 years now. Never bothering with much more decoration than a few framed pictures. And now you were planning on painting your living room area. Digging through the back seat you manage to find what you're looking for, a denim blue pillow.

You'd brought the pillow along, wanting to match the wall to your couches accessories.

Hoping to succeed in your excursion, you waltz towards the front doors of Home Depot.

Upon walking through the automatic sliding doors you grab a basket, tossing the pillow in, knowing better than to try and hold it all. You'd done that before... Not a good idea.

Shaking the memory from your head you turn to face the massive store. Decently empty, except for the couple of employees manning the front. So you look to the top of the building, towards the signs giving directions. Not like you didn't know where the paint department was though.

Rather slowly you make your way toward the department full of swatches and cans and brushes. Grabbing the essentials you need as you pass.

A six pack of painters tape, a set of wall brushes, a new pack of rollers. All the while heading towards the wall of paint swatches.

Waves of color hit your eyes as you turn the color, the bright fluorescents only aiding in the brightness.

"Need any help, ma'am?" An elderly lady working the paint desk inquires, jolting you out of the dizzying colors.

"Oh, no thank you. I've got it covered." You reply, patting your pillow.

A chuckle sounds from somewhere in the paint department, but you dismiss is, assuming it was a coincidence and mosey towards the wall of swatches.

You decide your best bet would be to limit yourself to only the blues, not wanting to overwhelm yourself. Glancing around you pull some swatches you think will work, putting some back according to the pillow.

"Ma'am. Excuse me, I didn't know they sold pillows here." A voice sounds over your right shoulder.

"Oh laugh all you want big guy, I am NOT screwing this up." You state, turning slowly, eyes still focused on the two swatches in your hand.

An airy chuckle erupts from the man, making you look at him.

Tony Stark.

You'd just given lip to Tony Stark. How were you so dumb?? Deciding not to be embarrassed, you continued as you'd been.

"Since you're here, wise guy, which one matches the pillow?" You hand him the swatches. Eye brows furrowed and arms crossed, truly undecided.

"Well... I'd say to get them both in a trial paint size, and decide then. They'll look different in your house, with your lights." He says smartly.

"True... I never thought of that. Thank you." You smile, extending your hand. "Y/n. And you are..."

"Tony Stark. Thought you would've known that." He mumbles the last part, handing the swatches back to you.

"Well, you'd think Tony Stark would be delighted not to be recognized, and having every woman in public fawning over him." You smirk.

His eyes hold a mischievous glint and you take the searched from his hand and head towards the paint counter.

"So... You DID know who I was." He draws, stepping up to the space beside you.

"I did. I must've hidden it well though, seeing that the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist didn't catch me." You reply, emphasizing certain words as you ding the bell to your left.

You then turn to your right, where the man you were teasing stood, though he was surprisingly close you you now.

Your face turns a dusty pink and he takes note, his grin spreading. You're stuck, unable to move or breathe really.

"Ma'am? Did you need something?" The pair of you hear an elderly voice inquire.

"He's talking to you, darling." Tony smirks, winks, and looks at you expectantly.

"Uh-uh yes, I need a sample container of these two colors." You say, gaining your confidence back as you talk.

"Alright. I can do that for ya. It'll just be about 10 minutes. Okay?" The man asks, taking your swatches and starting the mixing.

"Mhm." You nod, tapping your foot to whatever song was on.

"So, I'm having a party this weekend. Nothing big. Well.... Nothing huge. But, I'd like to see you there." Tony says, handing you a card.

You take it, apparently looking shocked.

"What? You're shocked. Why?" He asks, sounding anxious, his hand falling slightly.

"I'll have to think about it is all. Didn't think you'd want me around after I've been sassing you." You laugh, looking at him.

"Here's your samples ma'am. Have a nice day!" The elderly man hands you your samples and a receipt.

"Thank you sir." You swipe your goods off the counter and into your basket.

"I'll think about it Tony. Really, I will." You pat his hand, and turn on your heel to leave.

"I'll see you there sweetheart!"

His words cause a smile to break out on your face. Maybe you'd go after all...

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