Steve Rogers

43 0 1

You had climbed the stairs and were paused at the plateau of the water slide. The line wasn't very long, but you were a ways off the ground.

The people had grown exponentially smaller than when you had been on ground level.

This was one of your favorite things about summer. Being able to enjoy a water park, although, amusement parks had always been fun to you. Your parents would take you when you were younger. You just seemed to enjoy the thrill and adrenaline of it all.

But, you are currently in the water park, in line for one of the swirly tunnel water slides. With it being close to 100 degrees outside, you'd be crazy not to be.

Having already been on a few water rides you had some droplets of water still dripping from your hair and down your body. The body currently adorned with a red bikini top and black high waisted bottoms. You thought you looked good. Despite pieces of your hair sticking to your face.

You take a moment to look back down to the ground, the line moving slowly.

Maybe there's a malfunction or something...

A man in bright Hawaiian floral swim shorts, a mother and her child in matching frilly blue one pieces, a group of adults in assorted swim suits.

You pause, gaze lingering on the group. All extremely fit looking, much unlike yourself. All adorned with towels and sunglasses. There's quite a few of them actually, now that you process it.

A couple of gorgeous looking men, some pretty gorgeous women too...

There's a pale brunette, her long hair flowing in waves down her back, next to her is a red head, her hair is in a tight bun, hand on hip. Next to the two of them is possibly the cutest man you've ever seen. His short blonde hair waving in what you assume is its natural state. His head thrown back and hand clutching his chest as he laughs at something on of the others said.

You're pulled from your thoughts as you see one of the men point up to where you are. You immediately stand up straight, looking behind you, to where the obnoxious teen girls stand.

They must be pointing at them...

You turn back to look below at the group and notice the cute one gone, his group of friends looking up towards the stairs that you stand on. Then at the ground ahead of you.

"Hey!" Is suddenly shouted from below you, catching the attention of some of the waiting park goers.

You glance at the group once more before peering over the edge.

Down below you is the blind man from earlier.

Quickly, you glance around yourself, no one else is paying any attention to him. Looking back down you see him waiting, probably for a response.

You point to yourself, painted nail poking your chest and mouth, "me?"

He nods, blushing and looks back at his friends (who are nodding enthusiastically.)

The man looks back to you, holding up a finger, assumedly signaling a minute, before he takes off sprinting towards the stair entrance.

Taking this moment you stare back at the mans friend group, who are now nodding happily and shoving eachother, making quite a bit of commotion. The red head takes notice of your stare and waves, making you start to wave back as a tap is felt on your shoulder.

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