Chapter 1

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                     My Legs Suck
“What happened?” I asked when I woke up I can remember listening to a alternative rock song with my mom and little brother Jacob then…. Oh my god.  “Mom, where’s my mom?” I said.                            “It's okay you're alright” said an unfamiliar voice. I opened my eyes and the speaker looked female.
“You were in a bad car accident can you remember what happened?”  she asked.
“A little, where’s my mom and my little brother?” I asked trying to get up but I couldn’t move my legs.
“They're still trying to get them out of the car,” the woman said.
“What's wrong with my legs?” I asked.
“You can't move you're legs? They must have been damaged in the accident. Sorry I have to go get the doctor. I will be right back” she answered. As I listened to this I tried not to cry I am one of the star sprinters on my track team. What happens if my legs never work again? 
“Well this is just great” I muttered
“Okay I'm back Juliet this is Doctor Holis she will be looking at you're legs” she said while entering the room.
“Can you feel this?” the doctor asked while rolling something on my leg.
“No” I say.
“Now?” she asks.
“No” I say.
“How about now?” she asks with a little less hope in her voice.
“No” I say
“Well as of right now yes you can not move your legs. Which is a problem, but it may not be permanent  We are going to take some x-rays to find out what is wrong with you're spine. But for now hang tight and rest until we are ready to get your x-rays down. Or your  family comes,” She tells me.
“Can I call my dad?” I ask.
“Of course we'll bring you a phone in a second,” the doctor tells me.
“Thank you.” I say and try to process what the doctor said earlier.
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“Dad?” I ask
“Juliet? Where are you?” my dad asks frantically.
“At the hospital we got in accident I don't remember much….but ….daddy I might be paralyzed and….. daddy …...what if mom dies?” I say while starting to cry.
“Honey don't think about that I'm on my way you're sure your mother and little brother aren't there with you?” he asks.
“No i'm sure….they're not” I say while still crying.
“I'll be there soon okay. It's going to be all okay” he says reassuringly.
“Okay bye I love you .” I tell him and hang up.
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When I woke up I saw my dad and my brothers they seemed to be waiting for me to wake up “Julie are you okay?” my dad asked in a serious voice.
“I don't know I feel okay I guess,” I said.
“Okay honey I have to tell you something” my dad said anxiously.
“What?” I said feeling a little nervous with a sense of foreboding.
“Your mom…..your mom” he said and started crying. “Your mom died” he said and started to sob. I put my arms up and he hugged me. I could feel tears start to run down my face.
“What about Jacob?” I asked.
“Jacob is okay but he broke his leg” he said while trying to get ahold of himself.
“Juliet are you ready for your x-rays" the doctor said when she came back.
“Yea,” I said trying to calm down.
 “If you want, someone can come with you,” the doctor told me.
“No it's okay,” I said and they rolled me out of my room
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“How do want us to tell her?” I heard the doctor say to my dad.
 “I just can't believe how this day turned out I woke up today with the feeling that this was going to be a good day. Now my wife is dead, my youngest son has a broken leg, my daughter is paralyzed, and I have to take care of 7 kids on my own. So I guess telling my daughter she can never walk again wouldn't hurt anyone else in my family.” my dad said.
He came inside before the doctor could respond. “Jules I have to tell you something,” he said.
“Dad I heard what you said it's okay or it'll be okay,” I said trying to smile.
“Are you sure I know how much you loved to run,” he said.
“Well it happened whether or not I'm okay with it I will have to deal with it.” I said while tears started to roll down my cheeks.
“Look, yes there is an almost certain  chance that you will never walk again but almost certain doesn't mean 100 percent. We were looking at your        x-rays closely. We think you should know that although yes you're back was damaged nothing else was damaged so your reproductive system is still perfectly fine so you can still have children,” the doctor told me.
“Well that's about the greatest thing I've heard today, thank you so much doctor for helping us,” my dad told doctor Holis.
“Yeah thanks” I said. “Can I call one of my friends?” I asked.
“Well after what happened today, yeah I should call your grandmother anyway,” my dad said and handed me my phone. I had left it in his car when we got home from my track meet last night.
"Thanks" I said and started dialing  Logan’s number.
  “Hello?” I heard him say.
  “Can you talk?” I asked.
  “Yeah what's up?” he said.
  “I was in a car accident,” I said.

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