Chapter 7

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I layed back in my hospital bed thinking of how it would feel without my left leg no more soccer can't run. Nothing will be the same but oddly enough I really don't care. All I can think is I have cancer they might cut my left leg off.
"Hey bro" my sister Lia said.
"hey came to say goodbye to my leg too?" I asked flashing her a smile that was obviously fake.
"No I brought your phone you idiot" she said seriously.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Well see I might have dropped your phone off the top of the building you know on accident of co-"
"What!" I yelled cutting her off.
"Relax I'm kidding I just wanted to see the look on your face when i told you. It looked great by the way you should have seen it" she said and started to laugh.

"I'm going to bring you two things to get you to shut up but in the meantime you can text your friends" she said and handed my my phone.
I took it and turned it on I had a message from last night but that was it put in my password which was the date me and my sister were born 3/21/02
I checked to see who it was from. Kate I read. I felt a surge of hope rise in my chest. So I read the message and it said "Goodbye" I immediately texted Juliet
Me: "Did you get a text from Kat"
Juliet: "Yeah"
Me: "What do you think it means?"
Juliet: "She's actually dead"
Me: "Can you come here?"
Juliet "Sure"

I turned my phone off and stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever. Then someone knocked on the wall and came in I looked at the person and saw that it was the surgeon "we will start your surgery shortly so if you want to talk to anyone before then, now would be a great time."
"Can i talk to my Brother Christopher?" I asked.
"Sure i'll bring him right in" she said then went out the door. I heard another knock and looked at the person who was knocking it was Kit this time.
"Hey Kit" I said trying really hard not to sound depressed
"Hey" he said then walked in and sat down in the chair next to the bed.
"You wanted to talk? Doesn't seem anything like you" he said.
"Well you know when you might lose something you usually gain other things hmm let me think like the willingness to talk to my little brother and 2x the fear I already had of Lia's room" I said and this made him laugh.
"Aren't you supposed be in like a pile of tissues from crying over possibly losing a leg and never being able to play soccer?" he asked.
"what you mean this leg. Nah hate it i'm actually a little happy to see it go except for the soccer part" I said
"Ha ha very funny but seriously are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm okay or I will be but don't worry about me it's this Ray guy we should be worried about he dates our sister for a month and the only thing we ever hear him say whatever and sup Lia" I say while imitating Ray.
"That actually was a little funny" he said then he got up and hugged me I wasn't expecting this so my arms were hanging at my side. Then I sort of patted his back a little.
"Emma's sick again" he said then went back to sit down this made me stop joking around entirely.
"I don't think mom can hold on much longer with you and Emma and Jackson getting Married-"
"Wait Jakson's getting married?" I said cutting him off.
"You know Carlie from down the street" he said trying to emphasize what he was talking about.
" way, wait really?" I asked.
"Yep, want to see a picture?" he said.
"Yea" I said.
"Whoa that can't be him that's like the after picture in one of those magazines Lia looks at not that I've ever looked at them." I said.
"Okay I totally believe you," he said sarcastically.
"Are you ready?" someone asked then came in my room.
"Yea just give me a second I have to do something," I said the took out my phone I had a message from Juliet.
Juliet: sorry my dad has work and my brothers are on dates so I can't come I'm really sorry :.(
Me: it's fine I'll need the moral support after the surgery so see you then.
Juliet: ok see you then don't you dare die okay I can't take much more of anything okay!
Me: Promise
"Okay i'm ready" I said and they started taking me upstairs as we passed the hallways. I thought about how life might be like with only one leg. I'm lucky the surgeon told me before, she said I have a really good chance of keeping my leg. I don't know, I do know that cancer sucks. Even the worst people in the world don't deserve it. We reached the operating room and they moved me on to another bed. I watched as the anesthesiologist entered the room.
"I am going to use an anesthetic that will make you go to sleep until it wears off" he said and then started naming the different possible side effects.
"We're going to put you to sleep now, so could you count backwards from 100?" the anesthesiologist asked "100,99,98.....9....7.........9........6...................9..........
♡ ♡ ♡
"The surgery went well" a nurse told me when I woke up.
"Here i'll help you up so you can see just how well it went," she told me and used some buttons on the bed to lift me up. I closed my eyes afraid to see what was left of me leg.
"Go ahead and open your eyes," she insisted so I slowly opened my eyes and saw what was there.
"Oh My God" I said all that preparing was for nothing.
"Your serious your not playing with me," I said bewildered.
"Nope i'm not joking around with you," she said.
"Their both there!" I exclaimed I have both my legs although one is shaved and has a thick bandage on it.
"It's all gone?" I asked.
"Yea you are now officially cancer free," she said enthusiastically.
"Thank you," I said and felt so tired that I went back to sleep.

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