Chapter 4

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              I get to where makeup.

       My mom was no is  my favorite person in the world you know besides my sisters, Lola, and the rest my friends. But she was no is -sorry I've got to work on that- my favorite person in the world and when she got Lung cancer. I held it in the sorrow and the anger all of it  sometimes I even felt like I would burst. Somehow I kept myself together even if it ment picking up the fallen pieces and trying to put them back together again. Then last night we had to go to the hospital I knew if my mom died two things would happen I would break and my father would break things and when she did die. I ran, ran from the room and down the hall ran outside and I then ran the way back home.
     I had memorized the way so that I could visit my mother in the hospital without the looming threat of my father being there. Now I ran to the only person I knew who could help me pick up the pieces because God knows I was falling apart even worse than before. I promised myself one thing though I won't ever talk about my mother in the past tense. I started to feel the tears running down my face I didn't make a move to wipe them away after years of holding them back I finally let them fall.
Then I stopped and saw that I had ran the five miles that separated our apartment building and the hospital I decided to walk up the stairs and yelled.
I yelled about everything I wish hadn't happened then I reached her door. I knocked on the door when she opened it all I wanted to do was fall in her arms. But I didn't know if she could handle it.
Then I studied her face and saw the tears running down her face. So tried to make it look like I had just ran 5 miles and didn't cry the whole way.
But it was extremely hard she said something. I couldn't hear her, because my head was pounding. So I said the only thing I could think of.
       “She’s dead” after I said this I wished that I could just fall to the ground and get back up and be okay but knew that wouldn't happen.
“Who’s dead?” she said.
“M…...m… mom” I stuttered then I fell to the ground and she fell too I rested my head on her chest and just sobbed for what felt like hours.  Then I started to realize where I was and what I was doing.
Then I started to think is this bad  her mother going to kill me I mean after everything she’s done to Lola. I would bet my favorite pair of pants on the fact that she wouldn't blink before kicking my ass and then hurting Lola more.
I then realized that Lola was crying when I got there I pulled away from her and looked at her face and saw that she had tears running down her face. She looked up and stared into my eyes. “What happened?”  I asked her.
“My mom left for good like my dad,” she said. She then started bawling so I hugged her and held her close she rested her head against my chest while I rested against the wall.
All I could think was about how hard this must be on her. Of all the things that have happened this is just horrible. I know her mom hurt her but she was still her mom.
Her sobs started to even out until she was sort of in a state where she looked asleep, but I wasn’t sure because there were still tears running down her face.
Then I heard my phone ring louder than ever but her eyes were still closed so I sort of reached over her into my back pocket and took it out and answered it.
“Hello” I said irritatedly.
“Hi i’m calling for my sister because she wants you to know that wait what’s you're name” said a childish voice.
“Why?” I asked
“Well see my sister likes this one guy and if you're a guy named Theo then I don’t care” the voice said.
“Jacob” I heard a distant voice that kind of sounded like Juliet's.
“Sorry Theo my stupid brother called you. After the crash where mom died and he broke his leg he doesn't really have anything to do. Here I'll let you get back to your life i’ll try to get used to mine How's Lola by the way?” she asked.
“I  honestly don't know. Wait why would you ask me?” I said my voice cracked a little.
“Well last time I checked you lived across the hall from each other or did you move. Oh wait is she with you?” she asked and I knew that there was a smile on her face.
“No…….well maybe” I said
  “She is with you!” she exclaimed “Put her on the phone. Sorry I've been looking for a way to pass the time.” she said immediately.
“Lola” I said “hmm” she said “Jules want’s to talk to you” I said and handed her the phone.
“Hello” she said “Jeez Juliet” she said sounding taken aback “No we just kissed” she said “no, yes of course” she said. “How's Logan?” she said.“Oh my god is he okay?” she asked. “He got really luck then when is it?” she said. “So soon?” she replied “Okay bye” she said then hung up
“I have to wake my brother and sister up but if you want you can stay” she said
“No it’s fine my family will be getting home soon so I better leave but thanks for the offer” I said.
“Okay well thank you for sitting with me. see you at school I guess” she said and kissed me. Not a quick peck though a nice long kiss like the one from earlier today or maybe yesterday.
Then I stood up and turned towards the door. “Bye” I said then I opened the door and left by the time I got into the apartment I knew my father was home I could smell the  familiar stench of cigar smoke.
“Where were you?” I heard his raspy voice ask.
“Just around” I whispered. 
“What did you say!” he asked.
“I was just around” I said louder.     
“Just around doing what selling drugs? while you're mother lies dead and you were just around, not with your family come here boy” he said.
Then I backed away towards the door “I said come here!” he yelled I walked slowly towards him knowing what would happen if I ran it would just get worse.
Then I would probably be up there with my mom right when I was close enough to touch him he grabbed my hand and putt out  his cigar on my wrist.
“Don’t you ever run away you hear me don’t you ever run!” he yelled and knew what was next he had this ruler that he would use on me when I was little. But now that I was older it changed he uses a metal spoon.
Then he just punches until he realizes we have to go somewhere or until he feels I’ve had enough of a punishment but this time was different all he did was punch me in the face as he did this I felt the searing pain but I was used to it.
“Go wash yourself off if this happens again I may just have to break something ” I ran into the bathroom and saw what my dad had left a black eye and a burn this must be some kind of blessing. That or he's going to come in and make a cruel joke.
I ran out to the closet that holds my clothes and grabbed a hoodie and some sunglasses put them on and ran out the door.
“I’m going to school” I called so that he wouldn't grab to do more as I got into the hallway I saw Lola coming out and locking the door.
“Wanna walk with me?” she asked.
“sure” I said.
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“Don’t forget to meet me out of my door at 6:30” she said.
“Yes I know” I said thinking about having to go to the stupid formal thing.
“Wear something nice” she pleaded.
“Whatever” I said.
“Will you wear something nice if I kiss you?” she asked.
“Maybe but it wouldn't hurt to try,” I said with a smile.
“She grabbed my face and had to go on her tip toes and I had to lean down for our lips to meet but it was worth it.  Then we started walking in silence but it was the good kind the type that doesn't need speaking or small talk being close is enough.
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By the time I got to my closet and looked inside I realized I only have one tux and it’s reserved for funerals only my mom got it for me for that specific reason. Really it was just for my grandmother's funeral last year and I had chosen to label it as funerals only.
All I can think about is that Lola will kill me if I don’t where it so I grabbed it out of my closet and thought about how I should keep it clean for my mom’s funeral. I felt the tears start streaming down my face while I changed. I made sure to wipe them away before I came back out which by the way hurts like a bitch  when you have a black eye.
Once I saw Lola I literally had no words it was like angel’s where singing “aaah” I thought. She was wearing this form fitting black dress with red roses on it. “Hi” I said trying so hard to act casual.
Dammit Theo what is wrong with you the more you try to act casual  the worse tou sound has your mother taught you nothing?
“What, whats wrong?” she asked
“Nothing you look perfect” I said hearing my voice go up an octave made me slap my forehead.
“Yeah so that kind of hurt” I said “Wait did I say that out loud” I added.
“Theo you may be cute but sometimes you act like an idiot” she said  and I started to feel my face heating up and realized I was blushing.
“Okay so I brought the best makeup I have and the best hands I know, my own” she said.
“It will be hard to find something to match your dark complexion plus doing it light enough that you can’t see that black eye of yours but we’ll make it work” she said then added “sit” so I did.
“Facing me,” she said so I turned and faced her and realized how close I was to her.
“Theo Brandon Williams stop blushing or you going to make me blush,” she said
“I’m trying believe, me I am it’s just you're so close” I said.
“I can get closer” she said then leaned in and kissed me. “Quit smiling or I will just have to go to this stupid dance with someone else” she said.
Was I smiling? I thought she grabbed something and opened it she grabbed this brush type thing and said “Give me your hand” she said.
I handed it to her and she started wiping this colored stuff on my hand. I realized it might have been better if I didn't zone out every time Tess tried to talk to me about her makeup.
“Perfect” she said then started adding the thing to my eye.
“Ow” I said.
“Don’t flinch now close your eyes so that I can add the eyeshadow. to it it’s a good thing you're skin tone was able have something that was lighter than it while being able to blend in.If it didn't I would have used my lipstick” she said.  “There now you look normal” she said “let’s go” she added.

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