Chapter 6

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Oh My God

"Aaaaaaah" I heard someone scream out. I started to walk but I saw something that made me run blood. I saw blood when I got there I heard another shriek and realized it was my own. Kat was there she was laying in a pile of glass shaped like wings. All I could think was this was some cruel joke that wasn't Kat laying there it had to be a dummy or something.
She's not dead as I thought about this more I realized how unrealistic it sounded but I don't care she's not dead I know she's not dead. There was one question I had that made tears start to roll down my face did someone hurt her or did she hurt herself?
"Everybody go back to the gym now we will take care of this I repeat although this is a tragedy it can not be deltlt with when people are surrounding it. No please Go to the Gym now we will take care of it" we heard over the intercom.
When we moved back into the gym I sat in Theo's arms while Juliet was holding Logan's hand. We just sat there until Theo broke the silence "i've got to get home if i'm not home soon my dad will kill me" he said.
"I'll go with you" I told him so we started "I'm so sorry Lola," he said at last "what do you mean?" I asked softly.
"I know that you and Kat have been friends since Kindergarten if anyone deserves to mourn it's you," he said.
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"Will, Eli i'm back" I said.
"We have a question" Will said
"Yes?" I asked hoping he didn't ask the one question I was afraid he was going to ask.
"Where's mom?" he said.
"She left" I answered honestly.
"Is she coming back" he asked with tears streaming down his face.
I swallowed "No" I said then I felt tears streaming down my face too.
"What....did....she....say?" he asked and I read them the note she left.
"No no no no no" he starting saying but the rest of his words got caught with his uncontrollable sobs. He came over to me and I held him close to my chest while he cried.
Eli just stood there looking at me but not saying anything we heard a knock on the door Eli ran over to answer it when she opened the door then she ran back to me and tugged at my dress.
"Yes Eli" I asked calmly and she pointed I looked up and saw Theo holding a garbage bag.
"what Theo" i snapped
"I got kicked out," he said.
"Come in," I said.
"Okay," he said and sat down next to me.
"Are you okay?" he asked me.
"Remember when you came here last night, well my mom left a couple hours before that while I was sleeping and I just barely told them," I told him.
"Oh my god," he said.
"Yea" I said.
"You can stay here if you want," I told him.
"Okay are you sure," he replied.
"Yes I'm sure stay as long as you need too even if it means until graduation next year," I said affectionately.
"Okay," he said Will got up and went to his room.
"Wait for me!" Eli cried and ran after him.
"I'm sorry to throw this on you," he tells me.
"You didn't throw anything at me," I said and leaned and kissed him. He put his hand on my cheek and my hands were in his hair and we sat there like that.
I pulled away and looked at his face for awhile I wonder what had happened besides hormones that made us more then friends. I won't worry about that now though because for once in my life everything is quite. My brother and sister are in their room and I'm sitting here with Theo. My best friend may be dead but moments like these don't come very often so I am going to take what was given to me and not worry about her for 5 seconds.
"What are you thinking," he asks me softly.
"About how quite it was Until you started to talk," I said and poked his shoulder.
"Are you sure I can stay here?" He asks for what seems like the millionth time.
"As long as you need to plus I need your help now that my mom left us and is just going to send money. So its abusive father or raise two kids with my best friend who got kicked out of his apartment with his abusive father. I pick the second one. Plus you're not staying here for free you get to help me," I tell him.
"Okay okay I get it," he says them leans his foreheads against mine.
"Would it be wierd if I told my lifelong friend now possible boyfriend that I love him?" I ask out loud on accident.
"No I feel the same way," he tells me.
"I said that out loud didn't I," we said at the same time them started laughing. I kissed him then got up and grabbed a pillow and blanket out of my room and threw it on the couch.
"Behold your new bed," I said to him.
"Ohh ahh," he said jokingly. I slapped his shoulder softly.
"Goodnight," I told him.
"Goodnight," he said then climbed onto the couch that was too short for him curled up into a ball and went to sleep. Everything but his shoes where still on. I started to cry remembering Kat and how she used to sleep like that, how she got her nickname.

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