05.) party hard

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(If you know what the game Party Hard is about then you can have a clue to what this chapter is gonna lead to)

• F U N N E H •

      Draco pushed the doors open with a huff, revealing crowds of partying teenagers all dressed up in Halloween costumes.

It looked like our party back at my house, except it was much more crowded and more energy-filled. Strobing lights, spooky music, streaming banners, and festive games.

(Play the music up top if you want to feel a little more Halloween-y)

      Within not even a minute we had stepped into the mansion, Rainbow and Lunar had already spotted their favorite things at parties: food.

      "Ooh cake!" Rainbow squealed, taking off to the snack bar. We all watched as she inspected the food closely, her eyes bulging with delight.

      "Is she drooling?" Gold asked, pointing over to Rainbow. I looked over and while Rainbow wasn't drooling, she sure looked like she was.

     I laughed before Lunar started to say something about her trying not to constantly eat sweets. She didn't even finish her sentence.

      "Is that a chocolate fountain with strawberries!? Move aside, people! Lunar's gotta eat," Lunar announced, pushing past everything in her way.

      "How long do you think they can last until they crash and burn?" Draco chuckled. We eyed the two closely.

     "I give it about a few hours. The day if we're lucky," I estimated, waving my hand sideways accompanied with a shrug.

     "I give it thirty minutes before they drop," Gold giggles, still staring.

"I mean I don't doubt Gold's estimate," Draco shrugs. Gold gives a small smirk, a sense of accomplishment for someone agreeing with her guess.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm going to go dance. Then maybe I'll consider stopping by the snack bar," I say.

"Well if you want some snacks, you'll have to make it sooner because I'm pretty sure Rainbow and Lunar are gonna devour every sweet on that table," Draco chuckled.

I mean, he isn't wrong. Rainbow and Lunar love sweets, especially Rainbow. Come on, the girl wears a cake on her head for crying out loud!

I make my way over to the dance floor, squishing past the people who were really into their dancing. Seriously, it was a little uncomfortable but it's a party.

You can't go to a party and not expect for people to party hard.

I get to about the middle of the dance floor when someone elbows me on accident, resulting in me falling.

People move out of the way to avoid a human domino reaction but as nice as people can be, no one even glanced at me.

There are a lot of nice people but the people who attend these parties are more intense and... how do I put this? A little... brash.

I rub my head and prop myself up with my elbow when a hand reaches down towards me. I look up at the person offering the help no one else did.

It's a guy with long ashy blonde hair tied into a downwards ponytail. He's tall, much taller than any of the other Krew members.

Now I'm not short. I'm the average height for my age but there are people who are about a few centimeters taller than me.

I take him up on his offer, grasping his hand firmly and pulling myself to my feet. My boots gave me the slightest height gain.

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