11.) breaking and entering

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• K Y R A N •

     I read my manga as I walked down the sidewalk, heading back to my dorm. I had finished packing after we all went home.

    I was trying to keep my mind busy from the question I kept asking myself: Should I stay here and help find Evelyn or go home back to my family?

My family had said they missed me ever since Funneh, Gold, and I went back there for a weekend. Anytime I think about going back home though, I always remember how we saw Valerie's ghost.


(A/N: Okay so because I was writing this flashback in Kyran's POV, I was going to pay extra attention to his actions and words as I was rewatching the scene. But he says like two things throughout the entire scene and doesn't do anything so ignore that, he's still important😂)

    We rode our motorbikes down the gravel road, the rain pounding down as we drove. I heard Funneh and Gold talking while we all drove down the path..

    But then we passed a field, and while I hadn't noticed anything at the time, the two had. "Wait, there's a person in that field!"

    "What? Where?" I asked, stopping and looking around. "Over there. Kyran, over there!" Funneh pointed.

   "Oh, I see it now," I realized, looking at the figure. They were sitting in the field, on a blanket in the rain.

    "And they have pink hair..." Funneh said, her voice trailing off. "Should we stop and see if they need help?" Gold asked.

    "Their pink hair looks similar to..." Funneh started to say. "Valerie." Gold and Funneh said in unison. We drove up closer.

    We stopped in front of the fence that was directly in front of the person sitting in the field.

   We trudged through the mud, flashlights in our hands as the rain poured down. Our raincoats and boots were covered in mud and drenched.

The being turned to look at us. Gold shrieked as we all saw the same thing: Valerie. She was actually there! But she's dead. She's dead! She's dead, she's dead, she's dead....

    "Valerie, is that you? We're not seeing things, right!?" Funneh asked, her voice panicked. We all looked at the girl, or more specifically, Valerie.

    "It can't be her; she's dead!" Gold denied, taking a step back. Valerie then waved at us, with a smile. What? But like we all said, she's dead!

    "She's moving though. C'mon, let's break the fence and go look," Funneh exclaimed. I stayed silent.

    Funneh then started to pull against the fence, creating that noise that wood makes when you bend it. "Come on, help me!"

   With a few more blunt pulls to the fence, Gold helped break it. They pulled and yanked, until then resorting to pushing it.

   They kicked it, even harder with force that what they were applying while pulling it. Within a few seconds, they had broken the fence down.

    Climbing over it, they rushed over to Valerie. We ran through the field towards her. But as soon as Funneh approached Valerie, she pointed to a journal in front of her and disappeared.

What? What was that? Who was that? She's dead!

   With Valerie gone from the scene, all that was left was a pink blanket, a cup of boba tea, a plate of cookies, and a journal that was written in.

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