Ch. 1: A Whole New World

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  • Dedicated to Walt Disney

     My name is Jamie Herinson. I'm sixteen years old and have two happy parents and six amazing siblings. I go to a good school and get decent grades. Your average teenage boy. But that's where the normality of my life ends. Yeah, yeah, you've probably heard the story before. The teenager starts out normal, then learns something extraordinary, and ends up saving the world. Whether they turn out to be a wizard, or fall in love with a vampire, something always happens. Well, this story is no different. The only difference is that it's not Earth I'm trying to save. It's a completely different world. To be more specific, it's the World of Disney. Wait, wait! Don't close the book now! At least hear me out. You've heard of Disneyworld, right? Well, this isn't Disneyworld. It's something much bigger. Just read the story, ok? All will become clear, I promise.


     It was the beginning of the summer holidays, and everyone was going on vacation, like normal. Some families were going to Hawaii, some were going to Mexico, some were going to Grandma's house because your parents were finally tired of hearing your grandmother complain about how they never come over. But not my family. My family was going to Disneyworld. We go every Summer. It's kind of like tradition. I, naturally, was the most excited about going every year. I LIVE for Disney. I know everything about Disney, and I don't mean to brag, but I bet I could beat Walt Disney himself in a contest of Disney facts. That is, if he were alive. 

     Anyway, it was the night before we were supposed to be heading to Orlando for our annual trip. And people were last-minute packing.

     "Has anyone seen my blow-dryer?" called my twelve year-old sister, Zoe. She's always losing everything.

     "Not now, Zoe! I'm trying to get the twins' things packed." My mom called back. She was busy shoving diapers and shirts in a suitcase, while said twins Danny and Daniel ran around throwing Legos at each other. Daniel was accusing Danny of stealing his big blue Lego, while Danny was accusing Daniel of stealing his big red piece. My older brother, Steve, was busy trying to fit his guitar into his suitcase.

     "The stupid thing won't go in!" he grunted in disbelief.

     Meanwhile, I was just sitting on the couch and watching, my stuff already packed and waiting upstairs in my room. I packed a week ahead of time, so I pretty much had nothing else to do.

     My dad was still at work. My dad was pretty much the reason I had gotten so much involved in Disney. He himself loves it, and can be seen watching his favorite movie, Treasure Planet, at least three times a week. He works as an engineer, and was constantly fixing cars and motorcycles for careless people.

     My two oldest siblings, Tony and Alicia, were away at college.

      I watched as my mom stopped her packing to get Daniel off of Danny, as Steve continued to try and fit his guitar into his suitcase, and Zoe to run around frantically, looking for her hair-dryer in places like under the couch and in the microwave. Yup. That's my family for you.

     Getting bored with my family's antics, I decided to go upstairs to my room.

     I know my fascination with Disney is kind of childish, and it's even weirder considering I'm a guy, but for some reason, I've been inspired by it. I know it sound crazy, but I'm telling the truth. And just in case you think so, I'm not OBSESSED with Disney. I DO have a social life. Just because I can name every single Disney movie in chronological order doesn't mean I'm obsessed. I bet half the people on this planet can do that. Or, at least one-third.

     When I went into my bedroom, I walked straight to my laptop to go on Facebook. Like I said, I have a social life. Now I know what you're thinking. I probably have Disney items galore in my room. Wallpaper, lamps, furniture...well, I don't. Not one Disney item in my room, except for my collection of Disneyland pictures with me and various Disney characters hanging up on my wall. My goal is to one day get a picture of every single Disney Character and frame it. I've only started doing this a couple of years ago, and I'm not even half done.

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