Why does life hate me

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~Delilah POV~

I thought that my 24th birthday was going to be super casual, ya know just hanging out with Ryder, Jackson, and the triplets, maybe go out to dinner and watch a movie afterwards. But no.

They have got to be that most extra human beings on Earth because we are going to Honolulu. That's right, and not just that, we aren't going just for a day it's a whole two week to Hawaii.

I was actually very happy with this arrangement, because I have been so stressed lately with my art show, which is next month. Some people underappreciate art and I just love when my art brings happiness to peoples face. I mean my art gallery is not that type to put a water bottle on display and everyone is so fascinated by it, nope. My art is made with passion and so much emotion that if you just look at it you would understand it even though you haven't ever felt the actual feeling.

And many people come to my art exhibit because they can relate to it. My art is made with emotion. And every single piece tells it's own story. And some people's lives have not been all sprinkles and rainbows. And mine I'm not gonna lie it hasn't been one either. So I tell people my story through my art. And it makes me so happy that they to communicate through my art.

Right now I'm stoked to go one this vacation. The kids have gotten used to traveling a lot, cause I would take them with me when I travel. And I travel at least three times a month, and they're usually out of state. Lately I haven't been able to travel due to the art show coming up. Every single time I have a art show it's very stressful because my art gallery is one of the most famous ones. And I'm glad to see more and more people each time I hold a show.

"Mommy!" I hear Ash banging on the door frantically.

"Ok I'll be there in a sec." I replied knowing that he's knocking because he's hyped about the trip.

It happens every time

As I pack the last of my things I couldn't help but wonder why I have this weird feeling in my stomach.

8 hours later

"We have arrive at our destination, please take everything of yours when you get out, and I hope you had a wonderful flight." I hear the flight attendant say in an overly excited way.

Well as the kids, Ryder, and Jackson got their stuff I got the first wift of the Hawaii breeze.

"Come on let's go!!" I turn to see Ash pulling Grey and Angel.

"Stop it you're gonna make me drop my book!" Ash yelled

Oh Ash isn't some sort of genius baby I swear. He's just grown a love of learning every thing he can. Which makes me happy. He does love basketball while Ash love football. Angel however loves reading as well, she perfers to read outside on a warm day then play b ball or football with the boys. Sometimes I feel like she just needs a gal friend. But when another girl would introduce herself she would just shy away. She's very quiet and the only people she would really speak with are Ash, Grey, Ryder, Jackson, and me. Although they are very different from each other, I have found them so close it melts my heart.

After arriving at our beach house we went directly to the beach. I took a picture of myself and posted on Instagram and captioned it two weeks free from all stress. I closed my phone afterwards wanting to enjoy my freedom.

The boys were out in the water surfboarding while I was basking in the sun with Angel next to me reading her next book.

I opened up my phone, and the first thing I see is my insta spamming with comments. I opened it up wondering what the fuss is all about. I get lots of comments and likes and whatever, but this is insane. Once I opened it up I read the first comment.

OMG I totally ship it.

"What?" I thought

I looked at more at my comments until I stumbled upon the one comment they were all replying to.

See you soon babe

"No,no,no,no" this can't be happening. Fuck shit why.

Why does life hate me.

Delilah (under editing‼️)Where stories live. Discover now