so we meet again

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Yooooo we're out of school for summer break!!!!!!! Ya know what that means about three months of doing the most stupidest things ever. I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE AN AMAZING SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause I know I will ☀😎☀😎☀😎☀😎

~Delilah POV~

Hawaii has been amazing and nothing but fun and relaxing.

The kids have been so well behaved it's kinda scaring me. Usually they would spend half their vacation arguing about what to do, then give all hopes up, and spend like the last 3 days doing something fun, but then when I tell them we have to go home they whine. Like I adore my kids but you're the one who thought that it was a smart idea to spend more than half your vacation arguing and doing nothing.

But you know the saying all good things come to a end. Today is the last day I get some me time (*cue crying emoji 😥) , so I'm going to make the most of it.

"MOMMMY!" I hear my little Asher yell.

"Yes" I responded

"I didn't mean to do it I swear!" Ash exclaimed frantically, but then paused for a moment.

"Actually I did." He said.

But again went back to his panicking state. "He started it Mommy I swear"

Thinking that it was Grey and him having their day to day bickering. "seriously, you guys have been nothing but good this past two weeks, why start the day before we go home?" I questioned him

"No, no, no it's not Grey, the man started it" Ash said it like I would know who it was

My protective mom sense kicked in and I yelled out of being protective of my kids " What man!"

"The man in the ice cream stand." Asher replied as if he wasn't just basically having a panic attack just a minute ago

Me being to mom I am went all up in his face and frantically asked, "what happened, did you get hurt, who was the guy, did he touch you, did he touch you inappropriately, was there someone else there, why was he there, are you sure that person is a male, did they have long hair or short hair, were they talk or short, should I file for a assault report, should I take them to court,..."

I was interrupted by a "mom"

"What" I replied breathlessly

"The man was just staring at us, and looking at Grey, Angel, and me for a very long time, and then he looked at us in a surprised way, that's all." Asher replied looking concerned for me

"So why did you come back here looking scared?" I questioned him.

"Well about that... It's a long probably won't want to listen... And besides have fun during your last day here." Asher replied looking like he just pissed his pants

"Asher Mason Livingston, I suggest you tell me what in the world is going on, unless you don't want to your iPad taken away." I scolded him

"Ok ok fine..." Ash then proceeded to tell the story "well Angel, Grey, Ryder, and I went to the ice cream stand by the beach, and out of nowhere this man comes and stand in line behind us, and it's not that but he just stared at us like he was... con... conf... confused. And then like 30 seconds later his eyes got bigger. And he kept on staring at us. Then Angel step on his foot, but not on purpose though. He stared at her cause he didn't see her at first, but then he said "you look just like her" but in a weird way. Then Uncle Ryder picked her up cause she wasn't looking where she was going, she accidentally stepped on his shoe again, and can I just say who in the world wears a suit on the beach. Like what is wrong with him goodness. Well back to my story, after Uncle Ry picked Angel up that weird man looked at Uncle Ry in a... mad way. And the he said to Uncle Ry "who are you" but before Uncle Ry could say anything he said "why the h e double hockey stick are you with them" and you know what his voice was so loud that Angel started to cry, ya. And I don't like it when people makes Angel orrr Grey cry, so I stomped on his shoe. But he had on those shoes you make us wear when we wear suits so it didn't hurt him. But since it didn't hurt him I couldn't just let that go, I took my flip flop and threw it at his face, which was hard because he is like reallyyyy tall. And he didn't look like he was hurt... He looked suprised. But then he laughed, like seriously he laughed. But the he took his water that he was holding and dumped it on my feet and he laughed again. I of course got mad so I took my other flip flop and ran behind him and threw it at his butt, just like a football, and it hut his butt tight in the middle. Then I asked Grey and Uncle Ry to help me but you know what Grey did he went back to bouncing his basketball on the blacktop, and Uncle Ry just stared at the man with wide eyes with Angel still in his arms. So I did what anyone in their right mind would do, I Punched him right in his wee wee. And nowwwww he looked mad. So he started chasing me and Uncle Ry, Angel, and Grey were still standing there after I did them a favor, like what. But thank football season because I out ran him, I mean he's a big guy so you know he does not fit under peoples leg like I do. So all in all I think that was a mission success. #nailedit"

I was left speeches while he looked at me like it was an everyday thing, even though he was the one to tell me that long ass story. The reason I was left this way was cause I knew exactly who he was talking about, and by listening to him I think Ryder does as well.

But then he looked scared once again and said "you have to hide me he's probably still trying to find me"

And just as he said that I heard a a loud knock. I went to go get the door thinking it was Ryder and the rest of the kids, cause he can't possibly know where I am... right?

So opening the door I did. And to my surprise it was him it was the man who threw me out of my own house leaving me defenseless that night. With my broken heart and three precious in my womb, I was all defenseless. If he wouldn't have kicked me out of my own house the none of that wouldn't have happened, I wouldn't have had to experience that, my life wouldn't have been put on the line, my unborn children lives wouldn't have been put on the line. And I wouldn't have had the reoccurring nightmares I have every single night. And for that I don't blame him, but I blame myself.

And here he is standing right in front of me and he has the guts to smile at my face and look at me right in the eyes and say "so we meet again"

Delilah (under editing‼️)Where stories live. Discover now