----- on the private jet -----
Right now we are on the jet, about to head back home, and surprisingly Ryder and Jackson choose to take the airplane... the first class airplane.
Which I honestly don't get seeing how Damon's jet is in a way first class. But just with more privacy, which confuses me even more on why they chose to go there.
The kids are absolutely excited. They have never been this happy ever, and I have a feeling that Damon has something to do with this.
I felt a kiss my forehead breaking me out of my trance. I looked around and saw Damon smiling at me.
I couldn't help but smile back at him, but I looked around and was slightly confused. "Wait where are the kids?"
He chuckled a bit. "They were so excited about the jet, but now they are asking Jet the pilot of this jet questions about this jet." He chuckled again after he said that.
And for the first time I found myself laughing with him wholeheartedly.
His once playful face was serious now and he asked me. "Do you think you would ever forgive me? Because I would totally understand it if you didn't." His face serious face slowly masked into a sad face towards the end of what he was saying.
I opened my mouth, but found myself not saying anything.
After a few moments I finally broke the silence. "Honestly I can see myself forgiving, and I feel absolutely stupid for that, but I can't keep living a life where I'm holding a grudge against you, maybe because I just can't I don't know why but I just can't, and I have to put my children first now, and I think the best way for that is they need their father in their life, too long have they suffered without you, and I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity to make this work, make this work for our kids... And make it work for us ... Not many people get second chances Damon, so be careful with it."
And then all broke loose. One minute I was pouring my heart out the next minute the kids were dancing there happy dance, and Jackson and Ryder were twerking to Blackpink DDDDD, and I felt myself being lifted up and spuned around.
I giggled, confused at what the hell is going on, I mean I'm extremely ticklish that's why I'm giggling... Lol right?
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" Damon said between kisses on my face. I was still stunned and I had no clue why.
After a long confusing moment I was put down.
I touched my head and put my hands on my waist. "Ok someone please explain what the hell is going on. Why are the kids out here, hell why are Ryder and Jackson here aren't they supposed to be in the airplane, oml most importantly why did you play Blackpink DDDDD I mean great choice of song though."
Greyson cleared his throat and stepped forwards. "Well, how do I put this, when you were asleep Asher made up a plan to get daddy and you back together. And we told daddy the plan. Of course uncle Ryder and uncle Jackson were a part of this, but when we told them the plan Uncles got mad at daddy and was all like "what do you think your doing, if you hurt her I swear to God I'm gonna chop off your balls and shove it so far down your throat your ancestors will feel it coming out of there asses." Ya and that went on for about half an hour but their plan was to tell you they we're going on a plane when they were really here so when you gave daddy a second chance we could celebrate... buttttt if you didn't we would all give you the, dot, dot, dot... PUPPY EYES.
I know right such a well thought out plan."I looked at Damon and kinda teared up.
"I think this is the part where we leave them alone so they can make more siblings for you guys." Jackson took them to the cafe in the lower deck
Before I could yell at Jackson I felt a huge pair of arms around my waist, knowing it was Damon I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, we ended up hugging each other for what felt like hours. And I don't know how we got here but we're currently cuddling on the loveseat in the jet. Damon's arms were around my waist and our legs were tangled around each other. I felt myself slowly falling asleep Damon's head was nestled on my neck and he whispered. "I'm never letting you go."
Soooo what did you thinkThank u for reading
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☑Any Blinks
Lisa is my biasButtttttttt
do you want me to put an epilogue in the next chapter or write a little more.
😕K byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 💚

Delilah (under editing‼️)
RomanceHe may not be exactly my fathers age ,but I shouldn't have feelings for him. I mean he's 10 years my senior. But little did I know that one night can change the course of my whole entire life. A good way or a bad way? Well only time will tell Will...