Daddy please don't leave us

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Is that daddy

The three words that had all our heads turned. The three words that made us completely silent. And the three words that I didn't know I was trying to avoid, until it was said.


It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

No one dared to breath a single breath.

We were all staring at Angel.

I would have expected Greyson to ask a question like that seeing how he's always wondering where their father was.

And Asher, well Ash just hates the man, he may not know who his dad is but he hates him. Asher blames the guy on, well everything. He blames him for my nightmares, for not being there as he was growing up, and most of all for the kids who made Angel and Grey cry because they didn't have a dad.

Grey wouldn't cry about anything else but for his dad. And Angel, well Angel is very sensitive, and the biggest rule for the boys are you never make Angel cry. And when I say never I mean never.

The boys are those overprotective brothers. They take it upon themselves to protect Anglel and I. Growing up without a dad they have this need for this reassurance that no one they love will get hurt.

Ash is not someone who would cry randomly. And even though Ryder and Jackson have been there their whole life, they have never seen Ash cry. Ash does not cry out openly like some other kids. He would cry when he thinks no one is looking. I mean how much can a three year old take before breaking down.

And I feel like the worst mother of all times when I would catch him crying. And trying to comfort him does help when I catch him, but he's three years old for heavan sake. These aren't the things he's supposed to worry about. How much more does he have to suffer because of my mistakes.

I was interrupted by whispering.

Asher and Grey were discussing about god knows what at a time like this.

Before Damon could say anything I quickly said, "babies why don't you go and sit, we have some explaining to do."

They all noded and did as they we're told.

Ryder looked at me encouragingly. "I'll take this as my cue to leave."

Damon and I sat on the couch and took a deep breath.

The kids looked at us with adorable big innocent eyes.

Grey was the first to speak up. "Mommy if you are getting into back in the dating game again we will support you it's ok."

Then Ash was the next. "But mommy really, this guy, you could have done better."

Of course that one's from Ash I mentally laughed.

Then it was Angel. "Mommy... is that daddy."

Grey and Ash looked at her like she was insane.

Then she spoke again. "I mean it would make sense, he lookes so much like Ash and Grey. And he looks like he really loves you sooooo. The only reasonable explanation is he's daddy.

After hearing this Damon and I were wide-eyed, Grey was crying, Angel was playing with the hem of her sundress, and Asher was glaring at Damon.

I was the first to speak, "listen let me tell you guys a story."

They all looked at me.

"Once upon a time there was a girl who came back home to see her sick mother. When she arrived her mother was not sick it turned out to be a plan for her to forgive her father. When she was there she met this guys who she thought was amazing, they feel in love, or so she thought. The girl found out she was four months pregnant and was planning on telling the man. But the man did something bad and ended up kicking the girl out, and that night something really really bad happened to the girl. She ended up in a hospital and gave a premature both to three beautiful munchkins. They had to stay at the hospital for five months because the babies condition and for her condition as well. There she met a guy named Ryder who ended up being there every step of the way for the babies. Almost four years later, the man shows up again wanting what only God knows what."

Everyone was silent at this point. If Asher wasn't glaring at Damon before, now he's really glaring at Damon knowing exactly what the story was about.

Greyson was starting to slowly understand what the story was really about as a expression appears on his face.

Angel had a understanding face. She gave Damon a faint smile as if reassuring him.

After a painfully long wait. Greyson finally broke it off by crying.

I started to panic thinking that he got hurt somehow.

But Greyson surprised all of us when he suddenly ran to Damon's lap and started to sob while hugging one side of his thigh.

Soon after Angel was hugging his other thigh.

Asher however sat rooted to his seat while glaring at the floor, crossing his arms, and had the absolute cutest pout on his face.

I couldn't help but think that if I had fought harder, maybe we could be one big happy family.

Greyson stopped crying and was now hugged by Damon along with Angel.

They were pressed against Damon's chest ever so tightly.

Angel and Grey were now looking at Asher. "Come on Ash pretty please come say hi to daddy." Of course we all knew Asher could never say no to Angel.

Asher looked like he was having a internal debate between himself.

But he finally gave and ran to Damon and hugged him.

They were all hugging Damon so cutely and I couldn't help but take a picture.

Then all of a sudden I hear sniffling and thought it was Greyson. But I was surprised to see Asher lightly shaking.

I was so surprised seeing how Ash never cried in front of anyone. And I heard him say something ever so quietly.
"Daddy please don't leave us"

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K byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 💚

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