Chapter Twenty Five

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“Mikaela? Kae? You alright? She’s out cold! Has anybody called an ambulance?” my brother screamed, my head was in somebody’s arms, and they were stroking my hair, murmuring “It’s going to be okay” to me. I heard sirens, they stopped and I was hoisted on to a stretcher, paramedics asked a billion and one questions it seemed. “She’s twenty, ten weeks pregnant, no I’m not the father, yes she won the X Factor, and this isn’t the time for autographs! I’m going with her!” I heard Niall’s voice. Was I floating? Everything was so fuzzy. Sirens roared again, and I saw bright lights. Doctors were screaming, somebody was crying. Something was placed over my face, I felt myself thrashing, and somebody kissed my forehead, telling me to calm down. I was lost, everything was so dark, so quiet but so loud. Were they losing me, or was I losing myself? Something went wrong. The night was a disaster. I was a disaster. Somebody please wake me up, tell me the baby is okay, and tell me I’m alive. I needed to be saved. Did I need to be saved? I wasn’t in my right mind. I tried to speak but no words escaped, and I lay there listening to the beating of my own heart, but I could feel a presence crying in the room. Somebody was crying for me, somebody who was concerned. I stopped thinking, and I drifted into the great unknown, whether I would or wouldn’t wake up wasn’t a concern to me anymore. Nothing was important. Everything was black.

 Fluttering eyelids revealed a tiled ceiling, the smell of anesthesia and a boy. A boy? Who? Whoever he was, he was holding my hand tightly. It felt nice, having my hand held. I tried to speak, but my voice failed me. I squeezed the hand, and my eyes met his. “Good morning beautiful, you’re awake. Everybody’s been waiting for you, you’ve been out for two days.” he said. “What happened?” I asked. “You fainted, you had an anxiety attack. Lost consciousness. You didn’t lose the baby, you’re fine, the baby’s fine. You scared everybody half to death!” he smiled, it was a perfect smile. I reached my hand up to his face, touching his cheek. It was hot, rosy and embarrassed. “Have you been here the whole time? Have you eaten? You look kind of sickly.” I said, moving my hand from his cheek to tousle his hair. “Yes and yes, Lou brought me some food. Haven’t been too hungry though. I was worried about you.” he said. His eyes looked weary, they were worried and dark circles had formed beneath them. It was plain as day that he hadn’t slept. Poor baby. “Do you want to come up here and get some sleep? You look uncomfortable. There’s room up here.” I said, patting the space beside me. He curled up beside me on my hospital bed, cuddling up beside me. I needed somebody, and the warmth of his body made the chills in mine vanish. I curled into him, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. He moved his head, we were face to face. His lips met mine, full and sweet, there was no snogging here, just a kiss. A reassuring kiss that let me know that he cared. He smiled in the kiss and when our lips said goodbye, I knew that they weren’t the same that I was used to kissing. I snuggled into him and fell asleep, comfortable and happy.

“Wake up you two, we have a problem Liams voice said. I was still sleepy. The boy beside me was too. I opened my eye a crack, staring at him, he was rubbing his eyes and smiling, stretching his body out. He grabbed my hand and smiled. What? What was going on? Then it hit me, I blacked out at Harry’s party. I went to the hospital I woke up and Niall was sitting there and Niall NIALL! He was lying beside me. Shit. “Good something? he smiled, cuddling into me. Harrys missing, Niall stop flirting with his fiancé and get out of her bed thats Harrys girl, hell kill you!” Liam scolded Niall, who slowly got up, but still didn’t release my hand. “Niall let it go.” Zayn instructed. The warmth of his hand lingered for a moment before vanishing. I missed its presence. No Mik, you’re with Harry. Ugh. Harry. “Where do you think he is?” I asked. “Drunk at a bar probably, we need to find him before it gets too bad Louis said, looking concerned for his best friend. “I agree can I even be released yet? I asked. “We’ll have the doctor look at you, but you seem well enough now Liam said, walking out with Zayn to find my doctor. Louis and Niall stayed with me, Louis just stared at Niall and I like we were both insane. “Are you two an item or something? Please tell me you aren’t pregnant with HIS baby Lou said, looking at us sternly. Niall looked offended. WHAT IF SHE WAS?! he yelled, clearly hurt by my brother’s comment. “He isn’t Lou, Haz isNiall, relax. I said calmly. It should be mine, Harry doesnt deserve it Niall mumbled under his breath, sat beside me and pulled me into his lap. I leaned back into him, it was nice to feel wanted, nice to feel loved. If Harry wasn’t going to do it, then I may as well soak up Niall’s love. At least he’s being more of a man about the situation than the baby’s actual father. “Niall, what did I tell you?” Liam asked, walking in. His chin was resting on top of my head, his arms wrapped around my belly, around my baby. Around Harry’s baby. “She was cold!” he lied. Truth was, I was kind of cold, but I hadn’t told him. I was warm now, but something still didn’t feel right here. He wasn’t Haz. He wasn’t my fiancé, he wasn’t the man that had stolen my heart four years ago. This wasn’t right, but at the same time it didn’t feel wrong. Is this pregnancy hormones talking right now? Ugh. I’m an emotional rollercoaster. Liam helped me stand up, semi-dragging me off of Niall’s lap, handed me a bag of clothes and told me to get change, I was able to be discharged. We were going out in search of Harry, and we’d do it all day and night if necessary. The thought of him alone in a bar, shitfaced and out of his right mind scared me. He could do anything. Mental things, hurt himself, hurt someone else. This entire situation was disastrous. Niall wasn’t making it better by trying to make kissy-face with me, he just wasn’t taking it seriously. The thoughts raced through my brain, awful things. I knew that we had to find Harry, and fast.

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