She speaks

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Sasuke POV

"Brother, who is Fox?" I asked my brother while we were eating dinner. Just the two of us.

Itachi just looked at me and said, "No one knows who Fox is, but I almost saw her face once."

"Really?!" I jumped up from the table. "How? I thought that she was an elite Anbu captain."

"She is. I was walking in the woods and I saw her start to take her mask off, but she quickly put it back on because she sensed my chakra." Itachi explained.

"Um, what does she look like? Beside the mask part," I blushed and looked away at my question and immediately regretted asking.

"Why?" Itachi asked wiggling his eyebrows. "Did you think you met her or something?"

"No," I yelled making my cheeks get full of hair. 

Itachi just laughed at me and I just let out a 'hn' in return. He ruffled my hair. "She has blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She is around the age of 5 by the looks of her and she never speaks to anyone but the hokage." He let out a long sigh. "I once asked Lord Hokage who she was and why she started so young, but he said that he didn't know."

"How was she even let into the Anbu?" I asked intrigued.

"She proved her skill." was his only response. Itachi then got up and put his plate in the sink and washed it. He put it away and left the room to leave me to my thoughts.

'So that was 'Fox' who I ran into' I thought to myself. 'What was she doing running in the middle of the streets?'

'Fox' POV

"For the last time Lord Hokage, I can't do that," I said throwing my hands into the air.

This was the millionth time that he has asked me to remove my mask, but I just can't do that. I look almost identical to my henge and I can't let him know. It would be going against my godparents will.

"I have shown my loyalty time and time again," I reasoned with him. "Isn't that enough."

The hokage just let out a long breath. "Will I ever see?"

"I don't know."

"Very well, I will stop asking you that, but I have another question," I raised an eyebrow at him. "I know the people of the village well and I have never seen a 5 year old girl with your looks or have I seen you often in the village. What do you do in your spare time?"

I grinned at him even if he couldn't see it. "It is for me to know and for you to find out."

I began to leave but he stopped me. 'What else does this old man want.' I thought annoyed.

"Since you won't answer my questions, you owe me a favor," he said.

"Very well, if it doesn't involve my identity, I will grant it," I said just wanting to get out of his office.

"Please let me at least see you around the village wandering and please make friends with the other Anbu and Jonin. They think that you are stuck up and since you are a higher rank, they might not listen to you if you don't give them the time of day," he told me and I cringed. It would be harder to keep my identity secret. It was easy around the old fool but around all those Jonin and Anbu, it will be hard. especially that Kakashi and Itachi guy. They were too observant. None the less, I owed that old fool.

"Very well," I said taking my leave. As I stepped out of the door, I ran into none other than Kakashi and he was reading his hideous porn. Yeesh, he was only 16 and reading that disgusting stuff. Might as well be polite and show the Hokage that I was trying. "Oh, excuse me."

Kakashi looked up from his porn looking surprised. Who wouldn't be? The almighty Anbu captain who has never talked to anyone but the Hokage has talked to him. "No it was my bad," He said scratching the back of his head. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

'Well maybe if he would look up from his porn every once in a while.' I thought angrily.

"Aw, Kakashi. Have you thought about becoming a Jonin instructor?" The Hokage asked when seeing him.

Oooo, I want to stay and watch this.

Kakashi closed his porn and turned and faced Lord 3rd. "I have but I am going to have to tell you that I decline your suggestion."

"Oh. Why is that?" the Hokage asked.

'I should've brought popcorn.' I mentally slapped myself.

The masked man just scratched the back of his head. "I feel like I'm not the right person for that kind of job..."

"You are officially kicked out of the Anbu!" I yelled pointing at him.

"Wha-whaaaaaa?" He yelled wide eyed. Hirozen had the same expression.

"You are lazy, late, and you never look up from your porn," I said coldly. "You are not fit to be an Anbu black Op."

The hokage finally caught on. "Since you are no longer an Anbu, you are here by ordered as your hokage to become a sensei for new Genin."

Kakashi slumped his head in defeat. "Very well then." He then shot a glare at me. "She finally decides to talk and she does it just to get me kicked out of the Anbu."

I chuckled. This might be fun.


"BORED!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

I was walking around the village like I promised the old man I would and all I got in return was boredom. I stretched and my shirt pulled up exposing my stomach. I need bigger clothes but the stores will just over charge me. Wait a minute!




They won't over charge me because I'm not my alter ego. I can go shopping! I can get new clothes!

Maybe some everyday clothes? Yes! Shopping! The sky is the limit!

I started to skip over to the clothing store and hummed. When I got there I started to go through a rack.

"Is that you Fox?" I heard a deep voice ask which I immediately matched with Itachi's.

I pulled out a black long sleeve with holes in the shoulders. "Yes that's me Itachi. What do you need?" I didn't turn around and face him.

If he was surprised, he didn't show it. "Kakashi wasn't kidding when he said that you talked."

I pulled out a pair of blue jean shorts and held it under the black shirt that I just picked out.

"He also said that you kicked him out of the Anbu," he said with a chuckle.

I turned around and faced him. "You should of seen his face too. It was hilarious! Well the part you could see I mean..."

"Speaking of unknown faces," he started.

My face hardened.

"Can I as least know your name?" Itachi asked me.

I froze. I can't tell him my name. It's too closely related to my alter ego's and knowing Itachi, he can put two and two together.

"It is none of your concern," I said coldly and I brushed by him walking out of the shop.

No one can ever find out.

{May 24, 2018} 

I'm just going to put the date it was published. It decided to delete half of the chapter on me so I had to rewrite it. I made it as close as possible to the old chapter and it may even be a bit better and longer. Sorry.

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