I Kidnapped Myself!

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Naruko's POV


"Hn, got you now- KAT?!" Sasuke shouted, completely out of character.

"Wow, you've been chasing me for 3 hours and you didn't even know who you were chasing," I deadpanned.

Now I know what you're wondering. "3 hours? Why didn't you just turn back into Naruto?!"

There is a simple answer to that... I was bored. "STOP TALKING TO THE READERS!" Kurama yelled, trying to duck-tape the wall back together. "Oh hey, I can see the Editor-san from here! Who's dat ugly person looking at me? AHHHHHH!!! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Get your grubby , human hands off me!"


I looked at a dumb founded Sasuke and let a small sigh escape my lips. So tedious.

"Naruto..." Sasuke called out, as I was about to make my grand escape.

I froze. "What?" I questioned. 'There's no way he could've found out...'

Sasuke let out a small grunt and said cooly. "Naruto, did you actually do anything to him, or was that a joke?"

Seeing the only possible chance to get out of this situation, I said the only reasonable answer. "No... I have him, and if you don't hurry up and catch me, then he might not make it. Kukuku~"

I'm a dead woman. At least I'll die having fun.

Sasuke's face went red and I decided to sunshine away before he blew a fuse.

Maybe a tomato will calm him down? Who knows?

I entered my shabby apartment and henged into Naruto and then made a shadow clone.

"Don't freak out, but I'm gonna beat you up, you know?" I whispered, cracking my knuckles.

My clone backed up in fear as I released my henge and attacked it. Don't worry, I didn't use my pool noodle. I destroyed my backup, so I'm waiting for my new one to come in the mail.

I tied up my poor henged clone and took a selfie with him. I gave a bright smile, but my mask hid it. Oh well. At least it's better than Kakashi's pervy smile.

Anyway, I summoned Gamakichi and gave him clear instructions to deliver the letter to a pink haired man in a mask that looks really angry. Gamakichi saluted and hopped away.

I stretched my fingers out in front of me and waited for the magic to happen.


Sorry ya'll. Short one tonight. Both the editor and I are pretty busy with life and stuff. Sub-state is coming up, so maybe I'll have a bit more time after that, but I can't speak for my editor. (I won't be busy either, I'm rather busy but soon I won't be-W.L.)

Anyway, she's not mad at me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoohoo! And we learned who was petting Kurama, but I won't name names...

Till next time...

Thank you Weirdly_Lazy for editing!

{February 18, 2019}

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